when I turn the left turn signal on on my 03 cavi it flashes really fast inside the car and outside on the actual signal light But the right turn signal flashes at normal speed. And info you guys could help me out with would be greatly appreciated thanks guys
***Looking for a BLUE 03+ STOCK cavi wing pm me if ya got one you wanna sell***
Check for a burned out bulb.
yup... last time mine did that my tail light was out. Then I replaced the bulb and it stopped.
...They just HATE it when you ...POINT - LAUGH - then DRIVE OFF AND AWAY-!...
Try replacing the signal/parking light down on the front bumper. Check for condensation on the inside of the lens. There may possibly be water trapped in there which causes that bulb to repeatedly burn out. When a bulb on the '95-99 Cavi's burnt out it would show the turn signal indicator on the dash without flashing, just constantly on. When you use that side it will blink really fast. Take her apart, clean it out and rewire and solder a new bulb connection in. Chances are where the bulb actually fits in in corroded to hell and not making a good connection. You could also use some type of water displacement film for marine. WD-40 never hurts. Replace the connection and bulb socket.