How do you replace the TCC on a 2nd Gen and where can I buy the part? I got an 88 Sunbird Turbo. Thanks.
cost an arm and a leg just unplug it it will only make a 2% fuel millage difference its the blue connector on the front of the bell housing cant miss it. if its the same is my 1995 sunfire. did that on my old sunfire and worked like a charm
Do you mean TCC (Torque Coverter Clutch) or the TCC Solenoid?
The solenoid is only about $65CAD and not hard to change
Agree the Torque Coveter Clutch IS expensive
I think the silenoid. Whatevers causing my car to cut off in D or R when its warmed up.
does it stall comming to a stop and stutter and shake?
i dont know if its the solenoid or the clutch for sure both can cause the same problem but unplugging it will solve the issue mine was the TCC its self personally i wouldn't bother fixing it if its just a beater to ur self now if you acualy care for the car and maybe have modded it get it fixed. if you have the cash. like i said quick fix what i did with my old sunfire was unplug it.
Would it hurt the car to unplug it? Will it still drive ok?
nope ont hurt it all thgis does is lock the clutch at a cruzing speed to improve gas mileage marginaly 2%-3% you wont even notice the difference except it wont drive like $hit ne more
Thats awesome!!!! Thanks alot!! I'm gonna do that first thing in the morning.
let me know how it goes. good luck and your welcome.
Agreed and lots of posters have done many miles with no problems.
Good luck with it
How do you get it off? Its on there tight. Its the one on the front on the side of the tranny right? Blue connector?
its just a plug pry the clip back wit ur fingures or a screwdriver and pull straight out bud, should be realativly seamless unless its glued or melted inthere lol
I tried to unclip it with my fingers but couldn't get it good enough. Its a little loose I didn't know if it was like unscrewing a bolt cause I could turn it. I'll get out there with a screwdriver and try it. Thanks again for all the help.
no problem and yah i had to pry at the clip with a screw driver to get it to unclip its a rather deep plug its in there good.