Have a OHC 1990 4-cylinder Sunbird. The other day i started it and moved it in my driveway-not more then 5 minutes later i go back to start it to move it back. Turn the key-nothing. No click, no turning-over, nothing. Car has power (headlights, etc. work fine)-tried starting it in nuetral thinking maybe the tranny linkage is out of adjustment-still nothing. And to top it all off, when I was just playing with things to see if maybe the parking brake had anything to do with it the parking brake cable snapped-just my luck- and the car is up for inspection this september! ARGGG!
I don't even know where the begin this is so odd. Anyone have any ideas?
Also, on the same car, for the past 6 months i've had my oil pressure light blinking at idle. I've heard this is a common problem. Does anyone know of a way to check to see if maybe the sensor is screwed before i go replacing the stupid-designed $150 oil pump? Just from looking at where the sensor goes in, it appears i have to take a CV Joint out to be able to remove the sensor. Does anyone else have any experience with this?
woops got the year confused with my grand prix-it is a 1993 Pontiac Sunbird!
I'd check battery, clean cables, connections and grounds. you could also short across the solenoid or run a hot wire to starter for kicks and giggles.
97 Cav 2.2
First u need to check the voltage at the battery,alternator and starter to ensure you have at least 12.5 volts which will start the car and use a multimeter.Second after these checks if everything checks out and still no click at the starter ,use a screw driver and place it on the starter metal not the metal post and tap it with a hammer a few times and see if the starter will work after that(meaning the starter engages and turns the engine over).If this occurs u will need to replace the starter!What happens is the the starter over times wears the brushes and contacts out and eventually hits a dead spot where in turn creates the problem u have no click or nothing provided u have a good battery and alternator.The armetuer inside the starter solenoid is wore out which causes the issue.Ok now the oil pressure issue is one of two things either the wiring connected to the oil press sensor is poor or the sensor itself is going bad bc it acts as a ground while ur car is running and if the sensor starts to fail the grounding it provides fails and causes the sensor to cause the light on the dash to either flash or stay on all the time.I would pull the wire off clean the end of the terminal on the sensor and if the problem with that continues u will need a new oil pressure sensor since after ALL the yrs it has worked it will fail since its been so many,mine did but was leaking oil out the end of it(hard to believe but not uncommon).I hope this helps u and if any thing is incorrect or I missed something may other add or correct to my post.
Well talk about odd. The car sat for a few days and i went out yesterday just to look at it-turn the key-starts right up!
Now i am really stumped-and scared to drive it if this happens when im out somewhere!
I have expereinced something like this before too and
I would have to say that Ron Love is right in saying that you may have a dead starter motor!!
I replaced mine and problem was solved!