when i went to my car today i noticed th dash lights were on.. i was like wtf theres a key in the ignition but there wasnt
then i turned the thing and it cranked.
i drove it like that for awhile no theft light
how the hell can i start it and the theft light doesnt atleast come on isnt it suppose to read a KEY in the ignition?
obviously the ignition cylinder is wore out 190k miles i just found it pretty odd it ran and drove perfectly
Yep, the ignition cylinder has memorized your key grooves. The teeth in the cylinder have stuck to the shape of your key, or near it, thus you can turn the cylinder w/out a key. Its common, especially if you dont put a tiny bit of WD40 in the cylinder once in a while (Not enough to drown the cylinder). Your "theft system" wont come on for the fact that its tricked into thinking that there is a key in the cylinder and it thinks everything is as it should be.
Give it a tiny hiss from the WD40 can and see if it does the trick. Besides that, a new one is in your future.
The only other thing it could be is that someone broke into your car, took the time to put a pick set into your car and get it near started but ran off cause of the light from the dollar cop shined on him and he closed the door to be nice.
...They just HATE it when you ...POINT - LAUGH - then DRIVE OFF AND AWAY-!...
food for thought .....I had a 87 IROC and my bud had a 89 stepside truck .... my key started his truck!! after awhile tumbers in the lock get worn out some tumbers have the same groove ...............................but never have that posted on the net ...
Very true. Nice Jimmaaaay
...They just HATE it when you ...POINT - LAUGH - then DRIVE OFF AND AWAY-!...
My ex-gf had 2 89 Escorts w/ the same key pattern (from the factory that way)...
My old cutlass needed the key to take the ignition out of lock, but I could pull the key after that...
Worn ignition cylinder. It happens if you carry a buttload of keys on a single key ring...
My old cressida's key was actually worn to a point where when I was drifting the keys would come out of the cylinder into the passengerside floor. I lost the keys once because of that. Kinda crazy when your not thinking about it and you arrive somewhere 30 minutes later after doing something like that and need to turn the car off and the keys aren't there lol.
'96 Cavalier Good ol' Pushrod 2.2
-24X,000 miles on factory build
-Some oil loss between changes, me thinks it be rings.