I have a 2002 chevy cavalier 2.2 ohv manual and I need to change the trans. fluid. The reason for this was because the roads got pretty flooded and I had to drive through water up to the top of my front bumper. I was told when you drive through water like that its a good idea to change your trans. fluid. The problem is I cant find a dipstick to check it and I cant find the drain plug for it. If anyone could help me out it would be greatly appreciated.
There is no dipstick for the trans fluid that I know of.
The drain plug is on the driver's side. Just get under the car right behind the wheel and it will be staring you in the face. It takes a hex bit. I don't know which size off the top of my head, but I know you can find it in a search.
The trans takes GM Synchromesh. Penzoil makes a Synchromesh replacement fluid, which I'm sure is less expensive than the dealer.
On a 2002, you shouldn't have this problem, but make sure you take the fill plug out first. It would suck to have an empty trans and a stuck fill plug. The fill plug is next to the red vent cap that is under your intake hose.
You probably don't need to change your fluid. I would not get anything but GM's official synchromesh. There's just no good replacement, only other brands that are "good enough".