well my 97 z24 auto daily driver was getting a lil bit of knock and there was like almost aluminum dust in the oil so i am guessing a rod bearings going out or a main or somthing .
but i changed the oil in it and put new spark plugs in it.
And it was driving fine but then i stoped at the gas station and when i came back to the car it wouldnt start so i checked spark plugs tryed a diff idi cover but it wont start it cranks but doesnt start so iam wondering could a spun rod bearing cost t to do this?????
Can you hear the whine of the fuel pump just before you crank it?
Sold 2/2/05
yep when i turn the key i can hear the fuel pump kick on
if it cranks its not a bearing stopping it, I would check spark at the cover, you can remove the cover and tilt it sideways close to metal and see if the spark jumps.
<img src=http://domestictuners.com/banner.jpg WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="75" /img>
Sold this car on June 12 2005-I have a engine FS check mid east regional
Hit 200 NA it broke once, Hit 213 it broke again,
Hitting 300 NA is further away than I thought.
im having a very similar problem on my 03. didnt drive it for a few weeks, then i tried to start it. It was running but instead of the RPMs resting at 1k or so they just dropped till the car died. Now whenever I try to start it, just sounds like its on the very verge of starting every time i turn it over. It feels like if i got it to just actually start i could rev it up and save it, but it wont let me get that far
fuel pump does come on
battery is almost brand new, only few months old
im thinking ignition switch or something