Ok so my engine got oil starved a few months back and im about to start on fixing it. Now after this happened i got the rod knock which i believe to be a spun rod bearing maybe? What all do i need to replace with this? I was told i need to get the crank machined if it was damaged so i was planning on doing that and just getting eagle H-beam rods. Anything else?
2007 GM Tuner Bash...HELL YEA
PA,MD,NJ,DE,NY and all states north caravan
Its usually cheaper as for as i have noticed to just pick up a crank at a junk yard then having a machine shop work on it. Just a possible tip for you.
Cheap to buy another crank and have to turn that one too? You never worked on an engine and it show.
Take the engine out if you want to machine the crank. It will most likely be out of spec.
2.3 Ho
If you have to turn the crank, you'll have to take the engine out unless you like working under the car with a tranny hanging over your head.
2.3 Ho
The problem is that if the bearing is gone, the rods big end will be damaged and will need to be cut and bore. To do that you need to take the head off. So after doing all that, it would have taken less time to take the engine out and make sure that everything is fine
2.3 Ho
yeah, cause the head comes off to reseat the new pistons. Also, its easier to work on the motor that way.