okay for the story.... going to a car meet car runs out of gas.... i fill it up it starts everything is going good. on my way home now about 20 miles from home from a 55-60 mile trip or so car starts to lose power then engine shuts down and i coast it on to the shoulder. The Car wouldn't keep running. i can start it it will go for about 5 seconds then dies again. we though maybe when it ran empty it sucked in some sediments or something into the filter so we replaced the filter but nothing helped. car is still starting then dying 5seconds later. its dies quicker if i press on the throttle while drying to start it.
this is something else not sure if it would even be close to the cause but my friends altenator went out on the way over their so we switched batteries about 3 times he would use it up then we would replace batteries and let my car charge it up while driving. i don't think that would cuase a fuel problem but we were taking the battery out while the car was running.
if anyone has any ideas or where to start looking for the problem first i would be greatly appreciated.
oh and one last the car is an 03 2.2 ecotec automatic
In this hot weather when you ran out of gas
most likely the fuel pump burned out....
Get a fuel pressure test to make sure....
Since this is the hottest time of the year it might be
timely to remind that those fuel pumps need at least
a one-fourth tank of gasoline to stay cool.....
Running lower fuel levels means running the risk of
overheating these electric pumps....
are the pumps in the gas tank?
Yes. And it does sound like the pump bit the dust.
well this will be fun i'll check the fuel pressure anways it wouldn't hurt to have the tool. as for it being in the tank will F#@K SH^# A@# DA#@ . I'll be visiting my old job for the lift acessablities.
its not hard at all. undo the bolts on the tank straps, drop the tank and remove the pump...the hardest part will be removing gas out of the tank
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
the only bad thing is the pump is expensive as @!#$. i thought that was my problem not to long ago. but it was just a bad fuel pump relay... but good luck to you regardless.
well the cheapest i can get the pump is 208 and its a new ac delco pump so i'll be working on it later this week thanks for all y'all advise and help.