The Car: 98 Cav - 2.4 -4t04e Trans(with interceptor)
The Symptoms: Bouncing Speedometer
Attempted Fix: Replaced VSS
Ok so I was coming home from a 600 mile trip when the speedometer started bouncing from about 60mph to 0mph. Earlier in the trip i had noticed some "sticking" of the speedometer between 50 and 70 mph. Didnt think much of it at the time. Anyway, when this happened I pulled over at the first location I could to try and troubleshoot, couldnt find much out on the road so I decided to try and get home. Once I took off it started right back up bouncing constantly from 0-50 but was having issues with shifting, A lot of up and down shifts. I managed to get it home without any additional issues. After reading some posts on the forums regarding similar issues I decided to try a new VSS. At first this seemed to have solved the problem, but after 2 days it has returned only to be intermitent and less severe. Instead of dropping all the way to zero it may only drop 20mph. But then again like I said it is intermitent. Any ideas anyone may have would be greatly appreciated.
vehickle speed sensor , when mine was cut and I reconnected it it was loose and use to make my speedo bounce all around funny.prolly loose wiring in the circuit.
Thanks for the input Timothy, I will check the wiring. I know the wires appear to be intact to will start with connectors and go from there.
Any other thoughts.
When you took the vss out, did you see any metal shavings stuck to it? It acts like a magnet, so it's a good indicator of the condition of your tranny. If it's covered with metal shavings, the vss doesn't work too well.
When you took the vss out, did you see any metal shavings stuck to it? It acts like a magnet, so it's a good indicator of the condition of your tranny. If it's covered with metal shavings, the vss doesn't work too well.
No aside from some tranny fluid it was very clean. In fact, someone had mentioned that in another thread so i had a watchfull eye out for metal. In fact I am not so sure that the old vss was even bad at this point. was thinking about puting it back in and see what happens.
i agree with tim, my car did this for a while when the speed sensor was out a bit, on hard accels it jumped to 0 and then back up, the other time it did taht was in the winter, snow got stuck in the wheels and everything so it was being obstructed
well I know with mine the wires were loose and it was so tight in the wiring harness that when id hit the accel hard the tranny would move and the wires would jiggle .
This could also be a bad speedo pod. I had a 96 mercury mystique that did this. I changed the speedo and it fixed it.
i had the same issue, except worse i think, when i was parked it would say i was doing 90 and so on. I ended up replacing the whole guage cluster. if you can get it out and take it to a dealer they can normally fix the cluster.
I have a similar issue on my 98 Z24 5 speed
It's only happened a couple times where the needle just goes all over the place or doesn't work at all. I mainly have a problem with it sticking though. In my situation I just always thought it had to do with the fact that I put an overlay over it causing the needles to drag up against the overlay making it stick.
I've also thought in my situation it could be condensation building up inside the cluster, because the problem seems to worsen when it gets colder out ( making the water thicken up, causing the slowdown in the needle. )
But I've never really looked into it too much since it's not a huge problem...
Thanks to all for your insight, just wanted to update a bit here. Between work and the 108+ plus temps in the last week, I have not had the chance to check things out. Strangely enough it has not been bouncing either. I am leaning towards a loose/broken connection/wire at this point as it is happening intermittently. I will try and update when and if I find or fix the problem.
yea sounds like a bad connection somewhere. check the harness that plugs into the vss