I had made a reply yesterday where a guy was having an overly rich fueling problem and got from it that we don't have a MAF sensor since that was my reply... when they go it dumps fuel. I looked my 1995 over last night and I couldn't find a MAF so they are right. So we have Speed Density? I thought that went out in 1987 model cars? How is fueling handled on that system?
1995 Cavalier 2.2 Liter Auto With 64k Miles
Speed density also called MAP, mainfold absolute pressure is what the J bodys use. Most other companies use MAF, mass air flow sensor.
- 2004 Cavalier - 124k, owned since new
That is good and bad. Good because I don't have to deal with the cost of a MAF sensor when it goes out and bad because I don't know what does go then.
1995 Cavalier 2.2 Liter Auto With 64k Miles
the other good thing about a MAP over a MAF, is since most of us with modified intakes, with reusable, cleanable, oiled air filters, we dont have to worry bout getting oil deposits on our MAFS. and modifications to the intake system after where the MAF would be are not a problem with out cars (such at modified heads or a ported intake or T/B)