i'm looking for something cheap but can't find cavi one so I'm wondering if anything else shares same starter with 2.2 litre cavi. thanks
i have a starter off a 2002 2.2, if it works ill do $45 shipped on it PM or email me if interested
thanks mike but I don't think the starter fits from 02. I believe it's 1990 - 1995 cavi that fits. I was checking autozone part numbers to see. Someone can correct me if I am wrong. I think chevy venture van might fit too oddly enough. THanks for posting and if someone corrects me I'll reconsider. thanks again
that doesn't seem right. your 2.2 is the same through 97. I do have a starter from a 96 2.2L OHV for sale. Check the link at the bottom of my sig. PM me for more details.