Another problem we are sure is a problem now is when running the heater or A/C it is either all the way to the right on high or any other setting from there over to off gives us no flow. Someone said it may be a fan resistor since the fan does indeed work on high. Where is it located? Does anyone have a PDF Chilton or part number list for these cars? Thanks!
1995 Cavalier 2.2 Liter Auto With 64k Miles
Resistor, follow the sticy and you'll be good to go. Easy fix!
Thanks for the link! I think I should be able to get this fixed as long as I can get the back bolt out. I have a flex extension so I should be good.
1995 Cavalier 2.2 Liter Auto With 64k Miles
I did this today. I removed the seat and just pushed back hard against the matting to get the back screw out. Took about 45 minutes and when I pulled the old one out it was 1/2 the board. Don't know where the other half went! I put the new one in with just the front screw just in case.... works great!
1995 Cavalier 2.2 Liter Auto With 64k Miles