I don't know how this happened, but the cap that goes on my brake master cylinder is missing the little rubber seal thing, which caused the fluid to get black and nasty and go bad obviously, so now i have soft brakes, so my question is, is the master cylinder still good, or do i need to replace it, or will i be fine just replacing the fluid? also, when taking it off it says you need a tech 1, what are the odds of me taking this off and getting it all to workout ok without using the tech 1? thanks in advance. sorry, 00' 2.4, and their is a rubber seal there now.
Goal is to make my N/A Auto faster then a manual without doing engine internals
also, i believe you need the tech one because the master cylinder is hooked up to the abs, and it has to deal with that, so what if i just replaced the everything, assuming i can't get around not having the tech 1, would that work?
Goal is to make my N/A Auto faster then a manual without doing engine internals
The master cylinder along with the ABS will cost you a lot of money. I would start by bleeding the brakes manually. Then see if it is fine.
- 2004 Cavalier - 124k, owned since new
well the problem with bleeding it is they say you should drain the master cylinder off of the car, that is why i was asking if their is a way i can take it off and not have to worry about ruining anything since they say i need a tech 1. if i'll be ok doing it on the car, then i will try that.
Goal is to make my N/A Auto faster then a manual without doing engine internals