I looked at all the messages on Fuel Pumps but I wasn't satified with the answers given...
Recently my fuel pump started making this annoying whine. I changed the fuel filter hoping to God it would work..but no luck.
Now I am comtemplating getting the fuel pump and assembly...problem is GM prolly made it of gold or something cause it cost around 650 CDN. Well it's because of it's casing and the fact that you have to buy the assembly too.
Thing is, the whine will happen after driving for 10 or so minutes and only on days where the temperature is higher than 20 degrees celcius ( 68 degrees farenheit)
Do you guys have any input at all on things to check for before spending big dollars on a part thats worth 1/5th of the car?
Should I even check junk yards? Or look at second-hand parts?
My mechanic told me that it could crap out tomorrow or in 2 years from now.... oh what to do...
BTW I drive a 99 Cavi Z24, and thanks in advance for all your help!
I would see if you could just get the pump.
A lot less money, but a little more work.
believe me, I know how much the stupid pump costs... i just had to replace my pump as well, but it doesn't come seperate, so you have to buy the whole assembly like you said, which includes all the fuel lines and filter as well... cost me $600 for parts and install...
the thing you have to ask yourself is, do you want to buy a similar fuel pump, and cut the one off of your car... and get the fuel line repair kits, and do it your self, or would you rather have it all done professionally? knowing that if anything happens when you are on the road, you can blame it on them instead of potentially blowing yourself up on the road...
I opted to blame someone else if something happens... yeah it sucked paying the money... but I feel safer knowing it was professionally done...
It is up to you though... personally, i wouldn't get something like that from the junk yard... I would only get interior pieces and such from a junk yard... unless you know for a fact about what you are looking at...
Ya my mechanic told me that I'd be better off getting a new one, just because it'll be guaranteed to work properly....oh well, there goes my skydiving money...