On my 96 2.2, the fan dosent kick on till the temp gauge is at 3/4 of the way to hot( almost outside of the "safe" range). When i got the car, i replaced the cylinder head and replaced the thermostat, but i didnt flush the radiatior. Since i have noticed this problem, i have bled the system through the check valve to see if i had an air pocket, but there was none. My next option is to flush the radiator to see if it is not flowing correctly and may be partially blocked. Before i do, i was wondering if anyone else has come accross this problem and may have some info on how to fix it or where i might have gone wrong.
The only thing I can think of is a bad relay maybe? Fans not getting the signal to turn on? Only a guess, but if it DOES come on, but too late maybe the relay is on its way out. If thats not it try checking your thermostat again.
Thats my guess....
Cavalier z24......A poor man's Camaro....close enough, right?
It's normal. The fan doesn't come on until 3/4 on the temp guage. I don't know what that equates to in actual temp, but if you are worried you can install the bypass that Wild Weasel has posted. I did it myself cuz I don't like my car to get that hot before the fan comes on either, which happens in the summertime in crappy traffic. I know my other car does the same thing and it has to hit 225-230 to come on. I thought it was wierd then too til I saw the wiring diagram in the back of the service manual showing the switch with a 225temp setting.
Sounds like it's working OK. That's about when mine kicks in, to. Fan kicks in at the end of 'safe' range, sounds good to me. If the gauge drops fast after the fan comes on, while driving, I'd say all's well. You able to hook up a scan tool to see what temp the coolant hits at the point the fan comes on?
havoc187, i switched the horn relay with the a/c relay to see if it was bad, and there was no change.
dartbaron, when the fan does come on, the gauge only falls a bit under 3/4 ways. If it fell to halfway (190-220), then i wouldnt be worried, but when it does come on, it doesnt move very much.