i have a question about the clutch on my 97 cavi 2.2... just recently i noticed that it has been grinding when going in reverse and stuff....now i put a whole new clutch Assembly on it along with slave cyl......and still does this......just yesterday i was at a buddy's house and wen i went to leave i pressed the clutch in and it went to the floor and stayed there...i had to pull it up......now i have no clutch peddle.........i looked under the hood and where the bleeder is on the tranny part that hydraulic line was off now i put it back on and re bled the system and i still have no clutch peddle.....whats up with this lol just wandering what could have gone wrong
did any fluid pour out of the slave cyl?. You may have worn out the rubbers in the slave cyl if you had no fluid in there, I would make sure if everything is connected to slave cyl springs pins that are connecting to the clutch pedal to the slave cyl.
Good Luck.
Definately sounds like Slave Cylinder.
alright guys lol i fixed it turns out the master cyl had broken off the firewall so i replaced that and good as new lol thank god it wasnt a slave