when i start driving lets say i have 1/2 tank....
my gauge will go between half and quarter....like one minute itll be half...then itll drift slowly down to a quarter and then slowly back up to half....
like back and forth...it started recently......
car runs fine...is there anything u guys suggest i do
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN
Either a wire problem, or the sending unit is gone bad. Gotta drop the tank for that. Cheep temporary fix is to use the trip odometer to know when fuel level is getting low.
lol my car didnt come with one....and fuel unit was replaced 2 years ago....
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN
Ah, well, then use the odometer, then. Trip may also be part of the odometer in the digital ones, usually seen by holding the button down longer than a quick 'tap'.