Couple Of Repair Questions - Maintenance and Repair Forum
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I have a 96 Sunfire 2.2L. I was wondering if anyone could give me a ballpark figure on a couple of repairs that I would have done by a mechanic/shop. The first problem I have is the CV boot on the passenger side has come loose spraying that famous white grease everywhere, it just started today so I will take it in the shop Monday. Second problem I have is the AC clutch is acting up on me, makes grinding noises when I turn AC off, could anyone give me the price on what a mechanic would charge to fix that?
A rebuilt shaft (which included CV joints and new boots will cost $80-$100 dollars at the parts store. A good mechanica can have it replaced in 1-1.5 hours.
So $100 for parts, $105 for labor, I'd say somewhere between $205 qand $250, tops.
I have been replacing my shafts myself, it isn't as difficult as you might think, and you can save some $$.
How many miles are on your axles?
As for the AC clutch, you may be able to do it yourself. Just guessing here, but being an 'external' job, it might not require anything more than a bolt-off/ bolt on job. You would need at least a tensioner pulley wrench/prybar kit, so you can get the belt off and back on. A worthwhile investment in itself!
Is there anyway to get the belt off without taking the whole motor mount piece out?? Otherwise I have to disconnect the AC line and I just re-charged my air conditioner. Also yesterday I installed a new power steering pump and when I first start my car the pump hums like it is low on fluid. I turned the wheel to the right and the left as instructed to get all the air out. My car keeps dripping power steering fluid off the right side of the car, yesterday when I disconnected the oil pump a lot of power steering fluid poured out of the previous pump, could this be left over fluid that spilt?? I checked the connections on new pump and they do not appear to be leaking. Any help is greatly appreciated!!
Well, as for the belt, yes, it can be replaced without doing anything to the engine other than moving the tensioner pulley outa the way.
I have one of those long skinny tensioner tools from Murrays Auto Parts. Is there a smaller/special tool that will fit in their without removing the engine mount? I have been removing the engine mount every time I had to take the belt off and if there is a way to remove the belt without removing the engine mount that would be great!!
The A/C clutch is pretty easy to replace, you don't have to take the compressor off if you can get the extractor/installer tool on in the front. I did one for my other car, got it at Autozone and they loaned me the tool free if i bought the part there.
Do you have a repair manual?
If I recall correctly, Mr. Sunfire, I got my 'kit' at Pep Boys, in the 'Help', or special tool section. It's a long prybar with a hex hole at on end that will accept either a small extention section for an angled reach, or one of 5 or 6 supplied sockets that will fit nearly all applications. Getting the belt out, or in is a little tricky sometimes, but I've never taken anything apart to get my belt off. Had to get creative once when the socket slipped off the pulley nut, to get the pulley repositioned where I could get a belt back on.
You dont need any special tools. Just use a regular socket and put a vise grip on it and turn. It work. I do it every time.
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