With so many folks saying 'this worked', or 'this sux, don't buy them', I figured that it's time to put it all into one post, maybe even a sticky. If something worked great for you, or failed you, post a short note here along with a part/product name. If you know for a fact that something's a dud, then include the proof. Back it up with a picture, if you can. No arguments, no flaming. Those waste space and time. If someone posts proof of something bad and it worked out great for you, say so and back it up with a detail or two. Same thing for the other way 'round; If you know of a nasty product and someone else had it work out great, give them a friendly heads up. Maybe they got lucky, maybe they got the wrong idea of what happened. What's our first item gonna be?
bought an Ebay BOMZ intake for my 2.4 cavy. after about a month the weld broke that hold the little bracket to the intake. replaced it with an AEM and now i'm happy.
Cosmo racing intake
Had absolutely no problems with it. Install was as simple as any other intake and it sure looks nicer than the stock airbox.
1996 Pontiac Sunfire GT w/2.4 & 4 spd. auto. Replaced stock after-cat O2 sensor w/Bosch in Oct. and no problems so far.
I just sold my OttoR seats and Koni Sport kit suspension yesterday and went back to stock components for both, now I hate driving my car. For those of you that are looking for a well handling suspension, the Sport Kit is for you. Investing in some nice seats will only add to the experience, I won't say that the OttoR's were great but they were so much better than the stock seats. They also held my wide behind nice and snug but not tight, very comfortable to me for long trips. I drive 150-400 miles a day for work and fell in love with the seats and suspension, unfortunately the z just isn't going to cut it for work much longer
Got both O2 sensors replace quite a while ago with Bosch. No problems at all. Stock cat never went bad on me, but I didn't wanna take the chance. Also wanted a freer flowing exhaust, so I replaced the cat with a high flow one. Sea-foam in the gas tank and the crank case at the same time (!). Made for some rough engine running, but it all smoothed out soon. Engine ran like a suddenly released squirrel hopped up on caffeine and sugar. 500 miles later, the oil got changed and came out a little darker than normal. Just last week, oil was changed and came out lighter than usual. Roller tip 1.6 ratio rocker arms from Comp Cams let loose a few more horses. Cat-back exhaust of 2.25 inch tubing raised the 'oomph' part of the power band up just a tad. Lost a little from the bottom end. Found it in the top end, though. Redline runs are great! Thankfully Isuzu trannys have a quick 1st gear, so normal rowing through the gears doesn't feel all too different.
cosmo intake for ecotec the one i got didn't even come close to fitting!!! And if you did mannage to custom fit it it would destroy your hood buy putting a hudge dent in it!
darkblade j
Stock front wheel bearings and strut mounts suck on our cars. I just hit 40K miles, and had to replace all of them.