i was driving one day and realized that i burnt a quarter tank of gas in the 60 miles i drove. i live in the country so there is no stop and go traffic. im kind of at a loss of what it could be. all that i have is an intake and header back exhaust with a magnaflow cat. could the o2 sensor have went bad when i put the exhaust on? how could i tell?
thanks in advance!
Get it checked for codes and see if there are any first then check back.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
fill it up all the way and then see how much you get per tank..
change air filter
make sure your iat sensor in your intake is plugged in all the way
fuel filter
spark plugs
run a can of seafoam or techron fuel system cleaner
drive under 2000-2500rpms as much as possible (if you want to save gas)
you have intake and exhaust sure your not gasing it sometimes just to hear them work? lol
if that doesnt work then i dont know
Or before you spending a bunch of money you could first check for any codes.
Thats what I would do anyway. Never saw a need to throw away money if I didn't need to.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
thanks for the responses...auto zone will check for codes, right?
its not throwing away money its stuff youll need anyway. pretty obvious is check CEL.. and get it read if uhave one thought that went without saying