I did a search but everything came up with fuel related problems.
Quick history...
Engine blew, so I got another one and dropped it in. Car started up and ran great! Bled the clutch and the clutch cylinder let go(dirt musta been holding it together) so I put it back in the garage and pulled the tranny and replaced the clutch cylinder. Now it's all together again.
Now here we sit. It'll turn over all day but won't fire up. I know it's getting fuel because I pulled the plugs and they were soaked with fuel. Let it sit overnight and put dry plugs in. Did it again and it still the same problems.
then I realized my air sensor was unhooked so I hooked it up did a clear flood and it still won't start. It almost went once but nothing since.
So I have no idea. How can I check for spark on a 2.4? Any ideas wold be helpful.
Just curious but I have no headunit in the car. Took out the stock but haven't gotten a new one yet. Would this cause the problem? Open circuit or something?
remember you need 3 things to run an engine, Fuel, Air, and Spark.
Most likely not spark. in what condition are the plugs wires and coils?
You check for spary by buying a $8 spark tester at NAPA. Put the thing in a spark plug wire, and then ground it to the block.
If you have spark ( which I doubt you will) then its a compression issue, as you need spark, compression and fuel to run.
No spark, check wires going to coil and ignition module, are they all plugged in.
If so do you have 12V going to the module?
What is the primary and secondary resistance of the coil?
- 2004 Cavalier - 124k, owned since new
I was out there looking and the plug boots look pretty rough, (2.4 so it has no wires, just those rubber boots on the coils)
I checked the springs like I read in some other posts but I had no way to check the spark itself.
Any idea which pins to check on the coil harness to see if there is 12V going to them?
If I have that then I know there is a problem in the coils/boots...
What did you mean by "no headunit in the car"?
I mean no stereo. Just a whole with a wiring harness in there....
blackwidowz24 wrote:I was out there looking and the plug boots look pretty rough, (2.4 so it has no wires, just those rubber boots on the coils)
I checked the springs like I read in some other posts but I had no way to check the spark itself.
Any idea which pins to check on the coil harness to see if there is 12V going to them?
If I have that then I know there is a problem in the coils/boots...
its the first pin on the connector to the ICM i do believe it will be pink. that should read 12 volts from your battery. also you can check the coils themselves by getting an ohm meter and checking for 5k to 7k ohms on the inside where the spark plug boots would plug in and .5 to .8 i believe where that connector connects those two coils together. I just went through this probably all this past week and i just got my car up and running yestarday.
There is a way to check for spark, it has to do with flipping the cover and bolting it upside down thru the hole with the ground wire and using some spare plug wires. Don't remember the whole procedure, but it's in the Haynes manual. Good luck and let us know how you do.
Just did that and figured out that I have spark! So I figured maybe, just maybe since the front of the car is jacked up it's not picking up enough fuel to start. Just enough to smell the fumes.
So I go get $20 of gas in some jugs and VROOM!! I'm a complete moron..
M car was out of gas..... now the wheels won't turn though... thinking the axles aren't in all the way. The speedo registers speed but the wheels aren't turning....