4 times this year I had put my key in the ignition and it doesn't turn forward. The first 3 times I had messed with it for about ½ an hour until it finally worked. The 4th time I was trying for hours and nothing. Tow truck guy came and tried it for a few minutes. It started working like nothing was wrong. Has anyone ever changed out the lock cylinder? How much would it cost for the dealership to do it?
wow guess no one has ever heard of this
Powdered graphite dry lock lubricant will sometimes
free a stuck cylinder or lock tumblers...
So RicanZ24, Is this happening to you 2000 cavalier? Wow thats crazy I only thought the old cav's have those problems. Well lock lubricant I agree with leland sparks, I guess at times lose their lube source.
Yes its my 2000 z. I didn't think much of it at first though maybe it was a worn key but after the 4th time ..... i knew this wasn't right. I would try the Powdered Graphite but it will probably be better to replace it just to be safe.
Unfortunatly the ignition cylinder has a passlock sensor (Theft deterent thingy) attatched to it, and GM is proud of that little design!
'00 z24 automatic trans. Ign lock cylinder GM P/N# 12458794 Retail $189.54
Also it comes un-coded, meaning no tumblers. The Dealer will need to get your VIN#
for your car and can code the cylinder to your original key. The standard fee for this is usually @ $10.00
One thing i've seen happen alot is: your key gets worn down over years of constantly rubbing on the tumblers. I would start with having the dealer cut a new key off your VIN#
that way your working with a fresh cut key. Then if it still isn't working right you might have to replace the cylinder.
I just replaced mine in my '99. My dealer wouldn't key it off of my vin. They said they didn't do it anymore and to find a local locksmith. So 1 day down and $25 later the locksmith got it back to me. All is now well.
^^^^^^ Wow, what a bunch of lazy s.o.b's
I had to have the ignition lock replaced on an 85 Camaro with the same problem. It didn't have the PASS key feature so it was alot cheaper to replace that cars w/PASS key.
Here's a tip from my Chevy dealer's service manager: don't keep a bunch of keys on your car's key ring. The weight and the bouncing around can cause the ignition key to wear on the tumblers. He saw that I had about 8 keys on the Camaro's key ring. On my Cavy's I just have the car, house and office keys on it and no problems so far.
Would spraying WD-40 in the cylinder work? I have to fight with mine to get it to go sometimes...same thing happened with my door lock, sprayed some WD-40 into the door lock, worked like a charm after that...