Last week my check engine light came on, on my 2000 Z24. Based on responses here, I figured I would disconnect my battery for 20 minutes , check and re-set my fuel cap and see if fault would go away. It did not.
I went to my shop and had them scan it, they said it was the gas cap and they cleared the fault.
Before I could get a new gas cap, the CEL came on again. Now I have the new cap and I want to know how I can clear the fault?
Do I have to take it in again to have it cleared or is there something I can do without the scannner to clear it?
Does anyone know any places in or around the GTA (Toronto) that will scan and clear it for free (or very cheaply)?
Thanks for any feedback,
if the problem is fixed it will clear itself and go off after a few days
Negative, it takes OBD II cars 40 COMPLETE drive cycles for the light to go off, not a few days
Removing the battery cable clears the light itself but the code is still stored in the ECM.
- 2004 Cavalier - 124k, owned since new
So does that mean I should just change my cap and wait a couple of weeks for the 40 cycles to pass?
What is a cycle? Turn on , heat up and turn off?
If that is the case, I would be doing this at least 20 time per week. Thus it would take 2 weeks minimum to clear.
i doubt its 40 cycles. my CEL can come on when i start the car and go off 10-15min after driving.
you can simply goto Autozone
have them hook up the obd II scanner & do a read/reset...
they have the button on the scanner to reset your system... they did that for my sis' 97 2.2L...
Have no fear jimmaaaay's Here. I'm In mississauga i own a OBD 2 scanner if ya are ever in the area Q.E.W 403, 401, Let me know i'll scan it for ya (Not free!) Large 3x3 timmy' i can tell ya the code that comes up and clear it or maybe find out why its not clearing. ether that are Crappy tire sells them i got mine on sale for $100 they range from $140-$300 there. Do we have autozone here?
I may take you up on your offer. I work part time out of a plant at the QEW/427 and live in Burlington. I will be out that way early next week.
Do you have a number or something I can reach you at?
BTW, 3x3 timmy's has gotta make you wired!! That is a lot a sugar!!