Okay...I searched the archives and found a few similarities, but nothing that really is exactly what's goin on with mine. I have an 01 cav z24. It runs fine when the rpms are above around 3000, but if I go to dig out of a low rpm (making a turn, going up a hill, or just taking off in a hurry) it sputters like it's missing, but only when you mash on it a little. it's fine if you ease it, and it's in ALL gears. I changed the fuel filter, and the plugs are pretty new (about 2 months), injector cleaner didn't work. I don't understand and I'm gettin @*!$. I can be just cruzin at like 55 in fifth gear if im not into the throttle real hard, but the second you step on it a little, it sputters and misses and makes no power...any help?...and please don't tell me to search the forum again......I've been at it for an hour.
Save a tree...Eat a beaver!
oh...and I cleaned out the throttle body and IAC really good.......still nothing.
Save a tree...Eat a beaver!
Heya Guage, Ive got the same thing going on on my 01 cavalier 2.2L 4 spd auto, Its not a spudder. Its like lag with almost cut out of fuel or something. I am wanting to get my fuel pump psi tested, It could narrow down the trouble shooting, If it is not the fuel pump could be a injector O ring may need servicing soon. Good Luck keep us updated.
how do I go about psi testing my fuel pump?...it definately seems like a fuel problem.
Save a tree...Eat a beaver!
doubt its a fuel problem. Check your map sensor hose for
ANY cracks or holes. Second, check to see if you can hear your timing chain
slapping. I had your exact problem, got both of them fixed, and problem gone.
Okay to the one poster.
You hook up a fuel pressure tester and see what the pressure is,. KOEO, KOER, and also leave the car running and remove the vacuum line from the regualtor,. does the PSI go up 5-8psi, if so good, fuel pressure appears to be good.
Next if an injector O ring was bad it would also trigger a CEL because that is a vacuum leak on the intake stroke. So no CEL, O rings are good.
You can also look at LT/FT, if it rich then the car was running lean, if it was lean, it was running rich, like if itr said LT/FT 25%, then yeah it was running lean, the ECM saw that and said okay go rich then.
As far as your no power. If I get in the shop with a no power complaint, the first thing I do after verifying the problem is check the spark plug gap.
Lots of things can cause no power, timing to retarted, to lean, spark plug gap as said before, car simply needs tune up.
Like I said do a few test, narrow down the problem at least.
good luck
- 2004 Cavalier - 124k, owned since new
what kind of plugs did u put in are they gapped properly? you should do ur boots too
bosch platinum plugs...gaps are good...never did the boots though.....also, when I rev the motor from under the hood, I hear a faint clicking noise. but just like I said above it's fine if you ease it....it's when you rev it quick that I get the problem.
Save a tree...Eat a beaver!
could be your tps sensor also bosch plugs are garbage worst plugs i ever used never heard good things about them from anyone.
Bosch are junk, if you use ACDelco I'm almost positive your problem will go away.
- 2004 Cavalier - 124k, owned since new
i had bosh in for six months and run great, no complaints. i put them in cause one plug from GM was gapped wrong cause there pre gapped, i try to open it more but wouldnt work.
returned it and gave me an exchange and i never put them in. maybe this year.
i had bosch for like a year it ran great then it started missing at low rpms i changed um to AC delco and it runs great id def. try it how is it gapped wrong if its pre gapped? i dont know how good itis to have 3 ac delcos and a bosch either lol
I had what sounds like the exact problem...after hooking up my data logger, it showed my rear 02 sensor was bad?
I've bought one and will install it this weekend, so guess I'll see if that fixed it or not.
Eh...old man with a Corvette now...it was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
dont think rear o2 sensor has many side effects except for turning the fan on and a CEL... even if its bad your car shouldnt run bad
I think I fixed it...I pulled the fuel rail off and pulled out the injectors (didn't really do anything to them just took them out and looked them over and put them back in) and I replaced the spark plug booties...haven't got it to pull it's #%&* again when I took it for a spin so hopefully it's gone for good. thanx to all that had input...much appreciated!!
Save a tree...Eat a beaver!