Alright, I've got a 2001 cavi with the 2200 in it. I checked everything i can think of, but no luck. The car is acting almost like when your alternator stops charging, but the alternator is fine. The battery light doesnt come before it stalls, no other lights either. CEL has been on for awhile, but it's the EVAP code, so i dont think that has anything to do with it. Car was running fine this morning, but after leaving school, it stalled on me about 4 times. And now it runs like $hit. Anyone have any idea what is going on?
have you checked to make sure that the evap is the only code being thrown? easiest place to start would be a tune-up at least fuel filter and sparkplugs..
take it to autozone and make sure there arent more codes being thrown, if theres nothing new, id think about an IAT sensor in the intake(if you have one) or maybe even the O2 sensor. sounds like you may be getting bad mixtures , and either one of those listed above could do it. and both relatively easy to check
Alright, i figured it out, and i can't believe i didnt double check this last night. It was one of the wires going to the trottle body, when i unhooked my Jet module it broke one of the wires. Just had to solder it back together. Thanks for the help though.
EVAP i was quoted for just the smoke test 50 bucks (GM) and I priced every part (OEM) in the fuel system and they all were 20 to 30 each part. They smoke it and you could fix it. Thanks what i did. i think that is a better deal.
I'll have to run up to the dealership around here and see if they can do that. Thanks