anyone know where the flasher relay is located??
my turn signals dont work, all the bulbs are good, the switch is good, the fuse isnt i got a flasher relay but the dealer wasnt even sure about it....
What year and kind of car do you have ? You don't say and your reg doesn't either.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Jackalope wrote:What year and kind of car do you have ? You don't say and your reg doesn't either.
its a 98 cavalier 2 door.....whats a reg?
98 cavi its under the dash near where the pedels mount. There should be a bracket that holds in.
Reg. short for Registration. you know where you filled in all the info about yourself when you joined. Like your dream car and that stuff. Well you don't have it filled in as to what kind of J body you have.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Sorry man I'm not looking at an actual car I'm going off where the computer from work puts it. And so far its never been wrong. Not saying there couldn't be a first time but i hope not. But thats the general area look around and you should see it. Or my computer is wrong in which case I'm very sorry.
I hope this helps you tho.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
sorry to be stupid about this but I was just wondering if you maybe able to find me a picture of what relay looks like cause i bought one from the dealer but im not sure if its the right one.....cause i found a relay in the pass kick pannel but it dont look anything like the one i bought
thanks again friend