I dunno if this is a ignition problem or a fuel problem. Its really hard to start the car sometimes and It happends at random, it will do it maybe once one week then never happen again for like 2 weeks then happen twice that week and so on and so forth. It'll take like 7 - 10 turns of the engine for it to start when its usally only takes 1 or 2. It'll do it when the engines warm or cold just happens at ramdom and i dunno why. It really bugs me because it seems like something is wrong with the engine or fuel system. I replaced the plugs and wires about 5,000 miles ago. Any one know what could be wrong?
1998 Sunfire, 2.2L auto
maybe Gasoline Pump? mine went out and i had to replace it. sometimes it would take even more than 10 turns to turn on. i've heard its a notorious problem for cav/fire's
Ryan Shissler wrote:I dunno if this is a ignition problem or a fuel problem. Its really hard to start the car sometimes and It happends at random, it will do it maybe once one week then never happen again for like 2 weeks then happen twice that week and so on and so forth. It'll take like 7 - 10 turns of the engine for it to start when its usally only takes 1 or 2. It'll do it when the engines warm or cold just happens at ramdom and i dunno why. It really bugs me because it seems like something is wrong with the engine or fuel system. I replaced the plugs and wires about 5,000 miles ago. Any one know what could be wrong?
Well my best advice to you is when it happpens do two things. Take a fuel pressure gauge ( if you dont have one its only $40 at sears) and test fuel pressure, KOEO, and KOER.
If fuel pressure is where it should be, I'm not sure with these cars, normally around 32psi KOEO, not sure when running though.
Anyways if thats good, you an use a spark tester they cost about $8 from NAPA. There are directions on the case how to do it, really simple.
If you have spark than it more than likely isnt one of those things.
This could be a lot of things you know, not only fuel or ignition it could be your CKP or CMP sensor giving intermittent readings, probaly few other things to, start with the basics though.
- 2004 Cavalier - 124k, owned since new