If you would like to follow the trail of the original post it started here:
North East Forum
This event is for all Jersey J members, people who own J's that live in NJ, people who own J's that will be in NJ, or anyone who basically wants to come even if the only J you have is in your name
It will occur on Saturday August 20, 2005 @ 8:00 PM in Lakewood NJ. As usual we will have a pre-meet at the cheesequake rest area on NJ Garden State Parkway @ 7:30 PM.
Exact location: Home Depot Shopping Center Off Of RT 70 in Lakewood.
General Directions: jump on the parkway and ride all the way to exit 88. get off exit 88 and stay to the left after the toll, theres a light just after the toll booth. Make a left at this light. You're now on rt 70 stay to the right, and you'll see a big sign for HOME DEPOT pull into that parking lot and you'll see us waiting.
Yahoo Directions:
Yahoo Directions
I hope to see everyone there, and as usual hope to see some new faces.
Asta La Vista OHV!! Defined Parts
good thinking bryan !
enough with that damn JJ banter! lol
Hmmm Wouldnt the best place be the J Body Meets Forum? O well im showing up regardless.
ill be there to keep everyone out of trouble
<a href="http://www.cobaltss.net/forums//index.php?referrerid=37" target="new"><img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/tgmtzmx/SatchmoeSigJBO.jpg"border="0"></a>
here is my reminder to dj to BRING HIS STOCK TAILS!!!!!!
<a href="http://www.cobaltss.net/forums//index.php?referrerid=37" target="new"><img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/tgmtzmx/SatchmoeSigJBO.jpg"border="0"></a>
This is a reminder to Jeffie so bring some money
your right i do need money im buying mandys subs
<a href="http://www.cobaltss.net/forums//index.php?referrerid=37" target="new"><img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/tgmtzmx/SatchmoeSigJBO.jpg"border="0"></a>
I see where this is going ... i guess the lights stay home
i guess im meeting adam at some where!
please.. my navigation system is being fixed, so im gonna have to get dirrections again.. lol
to the reststop!
OEM CAMBER/CASTER KIT 10 People for $210 <P>
Dave what happened to yours? The motor on my disc reader had died.
Asta La Vista OHV!! Defined Parts
Hey Guys, sorry i'm still not gunna make it to this one.. but its gunna be ok tho.. i got out of that stupid perfume business, now i'm selling sell phones for t-Mobile in the East Brunswick Mall.. Come see me and i`ll hook ya up...
I'm really gunna miss you guys this month.. i've been really busy to get on the computer.. but have fun!!
<3 Heather <3
Alright guys listen , i have a couple things to sell , i need money ASAP.
First off this muffler from Toucan Industries "Type R"
I was thinking in the area of $50, it was only on the car a couple of weeks.
Next i have the 03-05 Stock Tailights from my Cavalier
I was thinking in the area of $75.
Then i have a 2003 Yumbo Free Moped ( blue ) with only 200 miles on it , not even broken in. I paid $1000 for it was looking for around $600 or so.
Details can be found here.
I can get pics of it if you want , just let me know.
00-02 Clear Corners , were on car for a month or so !
Also i have a 95-99 Z24 front bumper , needs some paint.
( Can get pics of it if need be )
Shoot me a price
Email xxloveparkripxx@msn.com
Aim xOneLastMemoryx
damn cross-posting newb!!!
Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said
I love the dramatic B/W pic....it makes it seem like the muffler is 'heavenly' or something like that. Anyways, I will be at the rest stop, then I will cruise around aimlessly until I can find Parkway North.....
Ban low-performance cars, not high-performance ones.
are we there yet huh huh huh are we there yet???????
<a href="http://www.cobaltss.net/forums//index.php?referrerid=37" target="new"><img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/tgmtzmx/SatchmoeSigJBO.jpg"border="0"></a>