So i just got into a fender bender and i was not at fault so they covered the damages...
what would of happened if i caused a bad accident and my car had engine/suspension mods....?
i heard that they dont need to uphold my policy with them because my cars performance was changed
should we be worried when we mod our cars that are insurance will be canceled if they investigate my car after an accident?
... can i claim the car was like that when i bought it?? i said it was not modded when i bought it...
opinions? experiences?
i don't think it matters. my brother has wawanesa insurance here in southern cali. he rear ended a truck in his vw golf, his fault. insurance fixed the trucks minor damages, replaced my brothers bumper, hood, fenders, after market grill, and after market intake. his insurance bounced up like normal...but they didn't drop him.
You need to check with your insurance company. And, you should also check with your local enforcement authority. In my area, there's a high incidence of modified (primarily lifted) pickup trucks and there have been all sorts of incidents involving both property and criminal liability involving high-profile wrecks with damages, injuries and fatalities. Not that this would be an issue for most J drivers, but it's an indication of how things are going today.
typically if you get into an accident and you dont have anything reported to your insurance of after market items, if anyone of those break in the accident or are damaged, they wont replace them since they werent covered. good thing is though, oem parts are usually twice the price of after market parts.
depends on the inurance. my car is covered with everything I did to it, but it would still be totalled if damage ecxeeded the same value for any other 01 cavalier (which isn't much).
I have heard of Geico, and progressive dropping customers for mods.
A good insurance company shouldn't refuse to fix it, but won't replace aftermarket parts. However I have seen instances in which they will allow you to fix the car using aftermarket parts as long as the total is of equal or lesser value. They mainly want the damage to be fixed so you dont make a claim on the same thing later. Some might be more strict though...
ha, they replaced my aftermarket parts, wait, thats because all my parts are insured. have to go get appraised now is all. but its all covered.
be careful. ive been turned down by a few insurance companies simply because i said i had a modified car and wanted to see about getting extra coverage for the parts.
usually they laugh when you say its a cavalier.
Needing 2.3 oil pump stuff? PM me...
i know they care about it being modded because they said they wouldn't insure me if there were any PERFORMANCE enhancing mods.
they said for any 'cosmetic' mods they didn't care, but they wouldn't pay for damages unless they notified about the parts...
so im trying to ask will they void my insurance if i per-say hit some one walking down the street because i have it lowered and and air intake.... they affect the cars
When I totalled the 04 they asked me if it was modified, I said yes, they said anything you want to keep take off before the appraiser gets there, so I pulled the motor and everything else too
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
u have to declare mods, and pay a greater premium for it, or u get nothing.
Working on obtainting an M-Class license... ?? Hint: 2 wheels.
Well, kinda depends on what kind of coverage you have...I'm 16 and my dad opted for liability only on my '95 cav so if ANYTHING happens, i have to pay for it...basically they're just lookin' out for the guy that i hit or anything
with that kind of coverage I wouldn't think it would make any difference because they're technically not even insuring your car, ya know...
Tim H
The only thing I think most people are missing is that if they hold an investigation on your car and find that your mod caused the claim, they can deny it.
For example, if you put on really crappy suspension components that suddenly failed and you crashed, they might see and say your fault.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
When I totaled my 00 and the insurance adjuster came out to look at he did mention some potential problems with a few parts. Based on the policy of the company (according to the adjuster) they could have dropped me for the parts. As a result he listed the exhaust as a muffler and the S/C as a cold air intake.
sndsgood wrote:dont listen to anyone in here because every single insurance policy is diffrent, 100 people could tell you your find and your covered but you may not be. you need to call your insurance agent, get a copy of your policy and read it.
every insurance company had varying policies
exactly. find out straight from your insurance company, not from people who have different policies.
Find out from your company, but don't do it directly.
With 3 family members in the insurance industry I can answer your original question very directly - yes, they can drop you.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
When you go to get your insurance, normally the agent must see the vehicle. I videotaped my agent coming out to my car and I also made sure I gave them a list of my modifications and gave them a tour (opened the hood, doors, trunk, etc.) and made them look at it and verify receiving a copy of ALL the car's modifications.
Cost a little more, but everything was covered. When my blind-bitch neighbor backed her Yukon over (yes, over) my slammed-out '96 Sunfire GT, they cut me a check for 75% of the vehicle's worth, including the mods. Yes, it was totalled. ...I did mention Yukon...Sunfire...DRIVEN OVER? k, just checking.
When the police officer arrived to do the report of incident, my dipchit neighbor said... "I didn't see it." Bright red...TFTF stickers just behind driver pillar on body panels...GILA RED window tint...35' behind her vehicle, when approaching her Yukon, in direct LOS of her walk.
The officer looked at me. I looked back. He looked at the car. Looked back at me, just shook his head.
But yes, most insurance companies will cover you IF you are HIT and if you have made them aware at time of policy inception of your modifications (Company, Part #'s, Model #'s, price of purchase, etc.)
If they can attribute YOUR hitting something to your modded vehicle, most likely it will not be covered.
I have State Farm, btw. Never a problem.
Geico dropped me becuase of my moddifications. They asked i said yes I told expecting a higher premeium they said unless you return it to stock it can no longer be insured with geico I said FU and went to allstate. It is listed as a stock 2002 4door z
I see you're from Toronto.
Here in Ontario, insurance companies will drop you for just about anything remotely performance related, including lowering.
If you get in a crash and they decide that the mods had anything to do with it, they can deny your claim entirely.
Generally speaking, if it's minor then they'll pay for it and then drop you, but if it's major then I'd expect them to fight.
It will be written in your contract that you have to inform the insurance company of any material changes made to the vehicle and not doing so is cause for the policy to be void. They may not always take that stance on things, but they do sometimes and it's fully within their right.
Be careful. Insurance in Ontario is very picky. Unless you get facility insurance, which is very expensive, you may be treading on thin ice if you decide to modify.
I never had a problem with mods with Allstate.. they always cut deh check