I was waiting at a red light earlier on my way home from a friends house and i was a little bit over the white line and i saw this cop turn onto the street i was on. He was glaring at my crappy pep boys muffler. he then did a 3 pt turn and pulled up behind me. The light turned green and as soon as i made the turn his lights went on. Asks for my license reg. and ins. card. goes back to the car, i hear him talking about some kind of meter. 6 minutes later he comes back telling me i have an illegal muffler because i can't have an amplified exhaust but he let that slide. got a ticket because my insance card had the end date of 2/22/09. gay, cuz i haven't gotten my new one in the mail yet. but i'm not even mad for getting the ticket. i'm mad because he looked at my muffler and pulled me over because of that without even hearing it first, being that i was at a stop.
anyway does anyone know the NYS exhaust laws? because my friend just said the volume cannot be over like 95 db's or so.
if you didnt get a ticket for the mufler.. why bother..chances are high that he didnt notice the muffler ,he was probably looking at the lines on the rd to see where your tires were, when he seen you were over the lines as you stated they use that as a way to pull you over to check for other issues , once you started to drive he most likely heard your muffler and commented on that after the fact.. if it was your muffler he pulled you for, he would have cited you for it..
you can fight the insurance ticket provided that when your new one shows up it shows you were covered at the time of the ticket..you can call the station and ask for the officer,talk to him ..he will probably tell you to take the citation to court, once at court he will look over the insurance info ,provided the date was covered by an active policy the ticket will be dismisssed. I know, because I just had to do that a few months ago.. ..
yeah, i can't even read his name. he did tell me that though, i just gotta send in the summons with a copy of the card to the state building he said. or something like that.
state building? if it was a local cop it wont go to the state building.. go to the courthouse itself your asap.. they will tell you who the officer is even if you cant read it, they most likely can, if they cant they have his badge number on the citation.. eitherway go to the courthouse then and they will tell you what to do (which is everything as mentioned above) its not hard to get worked out...
you drive a modified car, get use to it. if you dont like the extra attention then i would suggest removing anything loud from the car.
gee thats rough...
a few weeks ago i was in massachusetts...literally like 5 miles from the NY MA border.. My dad and I were driving his 02 chevy ss earnhardt edition. Were doing 35 in a 35..a little town...a nice drive going opposite direction flashed thier high beams at us to warn us that a cop was around the corner. so we slowed to 30 mph. We see the cop ( hes in a real cheeky spot that if you sped around the corner you were toast.) So we pass him...no problem right....WRONG...about a mile down he pulls us over...because our license plate cover was partially covering the NEW YORK part of the license plate ( when i mean partially covering...im talking about maybe the top bits of the lettering.) and then he says our license plate lights are out....my dad nor i have ever heard that license plate lights are mandatory. Anybody know about this..
he didnt even give us a ticket..which pissed me and my dad off more...i mean we been driving for almost 3 hours and it was around 11pm...we just wanted to get to the hotel. He waits a mile down the road to pull us over and then wastes about 15 20 minutes of time just to "warn" us that our license plate lights are out and the cover was "partially" covering the NEW YORK letters.
anybody have info on the license plate lights deal...is that like a law in Massachusetts or something??
anybody have info on the license plate lights deal...is that like a law in Massachusetts or something??
i got a fix it ticket for that once. im in PA
Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
So you have a @!#$ty muffler on your car?
You drove over the white-line. Pep-Boys muffler was great excuse to check you out.
Your proof-of-insurance was expired?
All sounds logical to me. Your friend is probably right, and there is a chance your fart-cannon exceeds 95dB. Waste of a post for you sir.
Joe Schulte wrote:So you have a @!#$ty muffler on your car? CHECK!
You drove over the white-line. Pep-Boys muffler was great excuse to check you out.
Your proof-of-insurance was expired? CHECK!
All sounds logical to me. Your friend is probably right, and there is a chance your fart-cannon exceeds 95dB. Waste of a post for you sir.
you @!#$ up, quit crying.
And if your insurance company doesn't send a new card in time chances are your lieing, or you have some fly by night ghetto insurance company. I've always had Allstate and the new card has always shown up prior the the old one expiring, 9 years and its never been late (assuming you pay your bill on time)
Just pay the fine if their is one.I got a ticket for expired ins once,went that morning(3am when I was pulled over)and got insurance renewed and payed a $25 fine,no biggie.
To the other guy,here license plate lights are mandatory,can't see why they wouldn't be in any other state.
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
Darkstars wrote:Joe Schulte wrote:So you have a @!#$ty muffler on your car? CHECK!
You drove over the white-line. Pep-Boys muffler was great excuse to check you out.
Your proof-of-insurance was expired? CHECK!
All sounds logical to me. Your friend is probably right, and there is a chance your fart-cannon exceeds 95dB. Waste of a post for you sir.
you @!#$ up, quit crying.
And if your insurance company doesn't send a new card in time chances are your lieing, or you have some fly by night ghetto insurance company. I've always had Allstate and the new card has always shown up prior the the old one expiring, 9 years and its never been late (assuming you pay your bill on time)
not to mention you can go to the website and print them if you really need one.
i'm the cop that pulled u over! lol.
WiGM-Tuners member.
Ok let me preface this by saying i could be wrong, but i have heard it from police and inspection stations both before so i choose to believe it. Modified exhaust isn't illegal. The tickets they give you are for a possible inspection failure. A licensed inspector will look at your exhaust and determine whether or not it passes inspection. Noise is governed by the Transportation Authority. They set the limit for db's, and they have to test for it.
The inspection booklet ive seen at the dealership only states for exhaust that it must
a. be stock or resemble stock (such as no side pipes on a vehicle that didnt have them from the factory, etc. and duals are usually overlooked)
b. not allow any any exhaust to exit under the car or near the passenger compartment
c. be emissions compliant (cats installed and functioning)
And ive seen some pretty crazy exhausts pass inspection that if i was a cop id probably write an inspection ticket for. The point of these fix it tickets are for safety. If a cop hears a loud noise they may assume an exhaust leak, which is potentially harmful. Its the cops that ignorantly mouth you off about your car that gives these a bad name. And ive dealt with quite a few of them around here.......
if you cant do the time dont do the crime.
Needing 2.3 oil pump stuff? PM me...
Like stated, you're driving a modded car, many cops will pick out any reason to pull over any modded car, especially if a young male is driving. The cop pulling you over gave him/her a chance to observe the vehicle and start pointing out everything illegal. Say you have illegally tinted windows and an aftermarket steering wheel (illegal on j body cars around here due it would require removal of the airbag.) Maybe the local cops wouldn't pull you over just for that, but if they pull you over for something else that's when they start pointing out the other things, then next thing you know you end up having multiple fines for random reasons. It's always a good thing to check up on your local vehicle laws before modding a vehicle, and all the details of these laws. Like around here it is legal to have things like under glow but it is illegal to use it while the vehicle is in motion or on public streets and highways, only legal to have on when parked in parking lots, driveways, etc.
Though your insurance card, if like most insurance companies, should send you a new card before you even start paying or pay the entire fee for the next year. I'm with CAA insurance and they send me the new card on a piece of paper with how much my fee for that year is in the mail at the beginning of the month that my insurance expires. Of course i don't know if your insurance company runs off that same policy.
NY Exhaust laws are depending...ive also heard of the certain DB level..yet in some cases it depends on the town, ik because ive been pulled over half dozen times for it....a
as for the plate lamp ticket or not....yea there mandatory in NYS i too got a ticket for it at a stupid checkpoint
Look at your laws. You can easily find them on the state web site. I carry copies of ALL applicable laws for the modifications I have on my car. In the first year I lived here (AL) I have been pulled more than 20 times...each time I hand the officer the actual law he's trying to give me a ticket under...they go sit in their car for 10-15 minutes...come back, hand me the folder containing the law, tell me to have a nice day. I am always respectful, Yes Sir, No Sir, anything you say Sir. Smile. Offer to show them a copy of the law. No tickets to date...however:
Day One: Went to police station. Found LT. Asked him to look at my car. Showed him ALL modifications including underbodies. "Nothing illegal here." he says. Thanked him and left.
Day Two-Day 100: Pulled over 15 times for underbody lights, including once BY THE POLICE OFFICER WHO TOLD ME THEY WERE NOT ILLEGAL. Followed into parking lots 4 times. After coming out and renetering vehicle...still followed 2 times. Driving along doing speed limit, police car 3 lengths back in left lane of 4-lane highway. Van cuts between us and tears off clearly in excess of speed limit. Officer stays following me while minivan screams off into the distance (video). Pulled over 3 times in same night travelling from Birmingham to Daleville, AL after visiting wife in hospital. Once by AL HP who, after pulling me over and being presented with a copy of the law showing my mods are NOT illegal, hands them back, then says "I used to have a Civic tuner." I wanted to beat him senseless.
Day 101-present: Harrassed constantly when gathering in parking lots with other J-body/tuner enthusiasts. Told to disperse, even though we're frequenting nearby food establishments, eating while talking, carrying receipts showing date/time of purchase. Ticketed when we fail to comply. When leaving one such gathering, 6 military members of large club we have, in Saturday night heavy traffic, turn a corner following each other back to base, are pulled over for 'street racing.' They were doing approximately 15 MPH. Two of them have video cameras rolling. Judge says 'tough luck.' $350 tickets all around.
One member pulled over and ticketed for underbodies. In court, represents himself. 10 of us present. When he attempts to enter into the transcript copies of AL state law showing said underbody lights are not illega, is told by judge "...I don't care what the law says." $250 fine. Sitting at light, @!#$ in tundra pulls up behind me. Waits a second, changes lanes with no signal to get beside me. Starts gunning his engine. Police officer in marked car pulls up behind me. Tundra starts doing brake-lock burnout. Light turns green...I roll off...he tears off, tires squealing, smoke pouring...exceeding speed limit...cop's right behind me the whole time, trailing me (video).
So, moral of story: we're the 'new' guys on the block. We don't ride Harley's (which can run straight pipes, blare their stereos and have a @!#$ THOUSAND lights all over them...but we get tickets for a stereo turned a tad too high or a sub' thumping. We don't drive classics...who can run open headers on the street...do burnouts at lights, speed, gather in parking lots for hours, cruise around together in groups...but we're tainted by those stupid TFTF movies AND we drive late-model cars AND we're (most of us...er, you) younger. So you are a target.
And there are those of us...er, you, who do stupid things in their cars and attract negative attention to all of us who don't. Know the law before you do something to your car. It's only responsible...like stopping for stop signs for three seconds as required by law and not crossing solid white lines at any time, which indicate NO LANE CHANGES...wait for the dotted white line...and at stop lights and signs, DON'T CROSS THE BIG WHITE LINE. Common sense.
Pay up pizza boy.
I know at least in NB, Canada, laws a pretty strict on things like exterior and interior lighting, but when it comes to sound there are no laws that i am aware of for here, though if you are red lining with a fart can and subs pounding at full volume in a residential area after dark you're definitly going to get someone calling the cops and though i've never heard of anyone getting a ticket for it, in the rare occasion that they actual find the car they're looking for they'll ask you to make a bit less noise and take off.
yeah it's all set now they forgot to send the new cards which i think is bull@!#$ but i went to the sate building and got it all done. that night my mangaer fired me from my job for misunderstading what she said because she can barely speak english, and i got a speeding ticket because i was pissed and driving unusually fast for myself. stupid on my part, not even going to go into details. but i went to get my check later that week and she re-hired me. bitch.
and yeah i gotta check the laws but i got it inspected before the muffler went on. and i do have my cat on. so it shouldn't be a problem, although it is still abnormally loud for something that cheap and @!#$ty.
in the lame laws thread, I put down my last exhaust pull-over experience if you wanna check it out..
as far as the tag lighting, of course you have to have taglights.. how else are the cops gonna read your tag and harrass you? back when I was like, 19, I was on my way to friend's house down a country road, and a cop in street clothes pulls me over and says my taglight was out. and then tells me he wants to search my car.. WTF?!? and I was driving a beat-up Cadillac at the time, so it wasnt like I was in my Cavalier that was modded. nowadays, I have a NX Nitrous Express tag frame ('cause it looks better than nothing), and the cops always give me sh*t 'cause it kinda covers where the tag says Florida on it.. they're always like, "I cant tell what state that plate is even from".. really, and you're a cop??? f*cking morons..
I know a guy who has a '63 VW Beetle, which came from the factory with NO seatbelts.. well when they started enforcing the 'Click It Or Ticket' thing a few yrs back, he gets pulled over and the cop starts harassing him, to which my buddy tells him the car didnt come with seatbelts.. and hands him a ticket for not wearing his seatbelt, at the same time my friend is handing him a copy of the statute saying that his car is "grandfathered" in and the law doesnt apply. the cop gets pissed and crumples up the paper and throws it at my friend.. to which he just laughs and says, "its ok.. I got more" and drives off
back in the day, I had a beautiful '88 Cavalier Z24 (pics in my profile) and had multiple blue neons on the inside. well as I was pulling into the spot where all the clubs met up, a cop comes flying in like I was on the Top 10 Most Wanted list, just to give me hell over my neons. then he turns and puts a ticket on the windshield of some S10 that had strobes in the headlights.. the truck was sitting parked, and the driver was nowhere near it. the kid came back and ripped it up right in front of the cop and told him to go learn some laws before handing out tickets
and what Gary said holds true just about anywhere you go.. the muscle car guys get all the respect and look-aways from the police while they do whatever stupid sh*t they wanna do, while we get harrassed for the slightest things. thats just the name of the game here...
R.I.P. JessE Gerard 7.11.87 - 1.25.08
The Radiation Nation Facebook Twitter Twisted Metal Alliance
Doug wrote:although it is still abnormally loud for something that cheap and @!#$ty.
Umm... it's abnormally loud BECAUSE it's cheap and @!#$ty...
Yes, noob, the search button is for you...