I sent him the money for the exhaust he was selling in his part-out thread (
http://www.j-body.org/forums/read.php?f=24&i=81633&t=78773&p=1 ). He had received the money order I sent on may 19th. I know the guy is busy, but last I heard from him was on May 27th, and I was told then that he had pulled off the header and was going to pull the rest of the exhaust the following weekend. Now I have repeatedly tried to get in contact with him over the last couple months through both pm and his listing, but to no avail. does anyone have any information as to him, his progress, or his phone #? Anything would be helpful at this point.
I'll eventually take the time to put something here. I swear.
I bought a sway bar from him. It took over a month to get, but at least I got it. I think he is just very busy with his job so he doesn't spend much time on here. I wouldn't worry about getting ripped off or anything, he is just a busy dude.
Atk2008 wrote:I bought a sway bar from him. It took over a month to get, but at least I got it. I think he is just very busy with his job so he doesn't spend much time on here. I wouldn't worry about getting ripped off or anything, he is just a busy dude.
no offense, but i don't care who he is. he's had the money for over two months and the other guy doesn't have jack. he's ripped him off...
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
I just talked to him the other day let me hollar at him about this and get back with you bro.
[quote=BoltZ DesignZ™]
Atk2008 wrote:I bought a sway bar from him. It took over a month to get, but at least I got it. I think he is just very busy with his job so he doesn't spend much time on here. I wouldn't worry about getting ripped off or anything, he is just a busy dude.
no offense, but i don't care who he is. he's had the money for over two months and the other guy doesn't have jack. he's ripped him off...
I'm a busy guy and I tell people right up front I will ship there stuff out the first Monday after the payment clears.... I may drag ass getting shipping quotes or responding to PM's but come hell or high water its in the mail the first Monday after I get paid.... in the past I've even sent the girlfriend to ship stuff when I couldn't. Being busy is NOT an acceptable excuse.
***I've delt with Zach before, I sold him my side skirts back in day, no complaints from my transaction****
He shouldnt have had you send him the money until he was ready to ship, in any transaction I think that is fair...
You have every right to be upset.
I understand if you are busy but at the very least, you need to keep in touch whim whomever you are doing a transaction with.
Jazer {AzulKav} Turbo Chica wrote:He shouldnt have had you send him the money until he was ready to ship, in any transaction I think that is fair...
You have every right to be upset.
I understand if you are busy but at the very least, you need to keep in touch whim whomever you are doing a transaction with.
thats what i do. if i dont have the part off the car yet, i tell them to wait until its off or wait until i take it off to send them pics of the part so everything is clear and up front. i usually get the part out no later than a week after the payment clears. once i do, i always email them with the tracking number.
so all this info and "what i would do" stuff is helpful for the future, but does anyone know his phone number or anything like that? id like to be able to get in contact with him.
I'll eventually take the time to put something here. I swear.
I'll eventually take the time to put something here. I swear.
Moar Candy! LAWL wrote:No But I Know His Ebay Name
Wrong, good try though.
Loy, I know the feeling so I'll PM you his phone #.

Proud member of Jbody of Kentucky ... Click on sig to go!
Zachs aight I would just give him a call doubt hes gonna jip ya.

JBOK.org / J-Bodies of Kentucky
Yeah i got his number, hes just been really busy. apologized profusely for taking so long, and is sending out the exhaust shortly. apparently had problems getting it off after the wreck, and had to cut the joists. he will be sending me a MO with the exhaust to have new ones re-welded. Should i be fine with that?
I'll eventually take the time to put something here. I swear.
Yeah man.. Zachs a nice guy I'd just let it go I'd never see him as somebody that would intentionally jip somebody or take really long on purpose you'll get your stuff.

JBOK.org / J-Bodies of Kentucky
i think if he had so many issues he should have let you know... as long as he makes good on his promise i'd say your GTG
watch for flying sparks!!!
To those that have countless and countless times again when the other Zach and myself are confused, thank you.
For one let me clear something up. I am not Zach Hackworth, or the ebay name Zach Hackney or whatever the heck it is.
Zach_h is my ebay screen name. Member for years 100% feedback.
Same goes for my paypal 100% feedback.
Personally its something I am tired of getting compared to but I see the mix up when we have the same first name and the same city for ahome town. But once again I want to clear that up.
As far as the issue with Loy, I spoke with him on the phone and my upmost apologies were expressed to him. I've been a member for over seven years on this site and have probably done over 50 transactions and this is the first hold-up I ever had. Partly due to the insurance company not letting me touch the car for over a month which caused a hold up. On the back and forth speaking, well when you switch jobs that has the net blocked, and the only time you are home is to sleep. I mean you take a look at the time I am posting this, when you are on hours like this it makes communication incredibly tough, but again, its my fault. I know some say "blah blah this" and "blah blah that", and I would agree, but as mentioned before, I've done seven years of business without a hitch till now, and I hate it ever happened. I've even went out of my way at times to accomodate people including allowing people to make payments, driving up to four hours out of my way to deliver parts, etc. So to both Loy and the JBO I apologize. Especially to Loy, because as I said, the one time everything has not went my way with handling things, he fell victim to it. But as mentioned, we spoke, case closed, and I hope there are no more confusions with the other Zach and myself.

Proud member of
JBOK (J-bodies of Kentucky)
Oh dear God! I am from the same city as the two Zacks. Have no confusion. My name is Jack, not Zack. LOL Zack Hilton (ky_cavvie) is an honest, stand up guy, I have met him at Heritage car and truck show in Whitesburg a few times and know a lot of people that know him. He is really a good guy and if he says he will complete a transaction as soon and accurately as he can, he will. As for the other Zack, well, I dunno and with saying so, I will keep my mouth shut about things of which I don't know.