i know this is an odd question but does anyone know where i can find an extremely high rpm 12volt motor? its for a certain "===TOP==SECTRET===" project for my cavy
and i know i cant spell i meant "SECRET"
high rpm or high torque? if you are doign an electrical conversion id search for the jeep conversions people do. this should have been in audio and electronics btw
My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
my bad on the location of the post. but its for high rpm torque doesnt matter. and no its not for an id search conversion.
oh no!! not making an electric super charger are you? they're pretty cheap on ebay and work wonders for HP!!
The Redneck wrote:oh no!! not making an electric super charger are you? they're pretty cheap on ebay and work wonders for HP!!
A quote from this same post but in the performance section... haha
brandon shingler wrote:actually i what was trying to make is dual superchargers as stupid as that sounds. i saw it done on a civic last year at one of my local shows and it really surprised me by how well it worked
(99 - Sunfire - Red - 2200)(95 - Cavalier z24 - Purple - 2.3 quad four)
well i'll be damned. i didn't think he was that stupid, but i was wrong.
wow......nice page ww
the op should read that for sure....