the title is a question of where we as a community are at. 4 years ago it seemed to be the big kits and show cars. the import world moved to the whole jdm theme and a year later it seemed that everyone on the jbo was screaming for the whole jdm parts, now the import world is still somewhat on the jdm tip but they have moved to modding cars with the whole stock bumpers and bare race look,and now on the jbo it seems the screams for jdm has gotten quieter and everyone is out trying to swap their aftermarket bumpers for ls bumpers gt bumper etc. just basically seems that were just following whatever the imports do but were always about two years behind them. thoughts?!/Square1Photography
werd. i personally think most of the "JDM" look is rediculous and ugly. Like a white car with green or pink rims. why?
I think people feel the need to follow the crowd instead of making your own path
*edit......examples of nasty
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Friday, January 25, 2008 5:55 AM
I agree. Fads have always been passed along, and most are "imitaters. I'm sure everyone noticed the boom in certain things after the F&F movies. After the original F&F movie body kits and fart cans became very popular, after "F&F Tokyo Drift" 240SXs started popping up everywhere, and as magazines such as Super Street started making the JDM thing popular you started seeing more Hondas with JDM parts and styling. Then all communities started following suit.
Most are imitators. There are maybe a hand full of cars on here that actually look different than everyone elses. Most of the cars on here are all done in the same style with the same parts. Getting cat-backs, rims and an intake does not make you a tuner.
There are also innovators on this site as well. Guys with one off kits and so many body mods that you have to really look at it to tell its a J. Guys taking things to the limit with NA setups and with boost setups running in the 11. These are the things I like to see but unfortunately most guys are not in the position weather it be know how or money to pull this type of stuff off.
I wish there were more innovators on this site but I am afraid most in the J-body world fall under the term imitators.
KevinP (Stabby McShankyou) wrote:
and I'm NOT a pedo. everyone knows i've got a wheelchair fetish.
cant say im a fan of most fads like that. of course, i dont follow them. i prefer to do my own thing regardless of whats "hot" at the moment

coming back in 2008...
i know i am in imitator i can't pretend im not. i bought my Sunfire because some guy in my are had a cav with the rksport body kit and it was all black it had the 2.2 and a bottle.
I just liked my stock looks of my car. and i have always been a sleeper type person. dark colors and i don't like chrome. thats my style.
It's hard to be different in this scene. I know almost everytime I make plans for how I want my car to look someone else beats me to it. Not really a "fad" type deal, but just seems a few others share the same taste in mods. Then you have the ppl who imitate and are just striving to be accepted by everyone here.
but its just funny how all these people decide how they want their car to look at the same time. two years ago if you had people putting a stock ls bumper on their car and posted it in the photos section youd have tons of responces going. "why are we looking at a stock bumper", "who cares" etc etc etc. now a days unless your putting a stock bumper on your car people could care less. stock bumpers are getting all the attention that aftermarket bumpers got. and its just following along with what the other people do. i just thought it was intersting!/Square1Photography
^ I remember all the posts of people when the got new rims and lowered their car. They'd post pics and everyone would just say "looks stock." I still dont really understand the "stock, clean look" I mean it doesnt look bad but its not my style.

14.261@ 95.45
Check out my car....
sndsgood wrote:two years ago if you had people putting a stock ls bumper on their car and posted it in the photos section youd have tons of responces going. "why are we looking at a stock bumper", "who cares" etc etc etc. now a days unless your putting a stock bumper on your car people could care less. stock bumpers are getting all the attention that aftermarket bumpers got. and its just following along with what the other people do. i just thought it was intersting
I guess that makes me an innovator, woohoo!
I try not to keep up with what's considered cool in the tuner scene. I just do to my car what I like. I got sick of bottoming out and all the hassle that seemed to come to me with the body kits I went through (every piece of every body kit I've ever had has been damaged in some way), and I got sick of my obnoxious exhaust and many other things. I've become more focused on quality, so I'm trying to salvage the hack-jobs I did to my car in the past to make a nice, clean, reliable car to drive until I can afford to get a new one.
Pilz-E wrote:I got sick of bottoming out and all the hassle that seemed to come to me with the body kits I went through (every piece of every body kit I've ever had has been damaged in some way), and I got sick of my obnoxious exhaust and many other things. I've become more focused on quality, so I'm trying to salvage the hack-jobs I did to my car in the past to make a nice, clean, reliable car to drive until I can afford to get a new one.
That's my train of thought as well. I always liked certain things like body kits, but after a while I got tired of bottoming out and having to patch fiberglass, tired of the loud bumble bee exhaust, and tired of bright colorful interiors. I still enjoy making my car look far from stock, but now I concentrate on doing it in different ways.
For sure. I'm trying to do like a luxury sport thing with mine.
I am 32 and just started modding a year ago before I even knew about this site.After finding this site I would have to say I tried to imitate but just didn't like the body kit thing,hell I'm still on a stock suspension but I say build your car the way YOU want whether a fad or not.

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
I really couldn;'t give two S**Ts about the tuner scene...I'd do what I wanted anyways...
I'm all for stock but fast......
Shadowfire wrote:Pilz-E wrote:I got sick of bottoming out and all the hassle that seemed to come to me with the body kits I went through (every piece of every body kit I've ever had has been damaged in some way), and I got sick of my obnoxious exhaust and many other things. I've become more focused on quality, so I'm trying to salvage the hack-jobs I did to my car in the past to make a nice, clean, reliable car to drive until I can afford to get a new one.
That's my train of thought as well. I always liked certain things like body kits, but after a while I got tired of bottoming out and having to patch fiberglass, tired of the loud bumble bee exhaust, and tired of bright colorful interiors. I still enjoy making my car look far from stock, but now I concentrate on doing it in different ways.
that, my friends, is called growing up. i feel the same way too. i still enjoy the kits and exhausts and all that stuff. but its like "meh...been doin it for years....a change of pace would be nice"
i think thats why people go back to stock kits and subtle looking cars. cause theyve rocked the big wings and low kits for so long that they just need a break.

coming back in 2008...
I've always preferred aftermarket kits to stock. What's the point of buying a bumper to "change" the look of your car if it's just gonna look like another stock J. I'm also a big fan of "It's a car built to be driven, now drive the damn thing." Everything I've ever done to mine is to keep it driveable yet look good. Yeah so what I've got 00 toyo tails, they look ba, and imo the best option for tails other than a nice set of black housing altezzas. You can say Mine is JDM or fad or whatever you want to, I'm really not sure. Yeah TRD knockoff front bumper, but honestly can you guys thing of anything else that looks better on an 03+, I can't. I've always been more performance based, the looks have been an afterthought most of the time when it comes to my car.
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
This site is more imitators now. Do any of you remember when we had question about "how to wire my DIS II?" ? Now all you see is exhaust, intake and chip for noob. MSD used to be a name you would see everyday/week over here. Now it's EGAY.
One exemple
Another one
Check the dates on thosse post. Those were back before we had 15k+ members. We had people that would SEARCH, all the great guys were there.
2.3 Ho
perosonally, i mod my car to my tastes. i could care less what the rest of the tuning world is doing. i respect the other things that are out there but after going to car shows time and time again to have my car passed over by onlookers for some outrageously ugly car in the vicinity, i'm in no hurry to follow the trend...
No ones going to agree on a subject like this. It's like the "rice" or "not rice" debate. Still interesting discussion though. I see the point about the modding coming full circle and back to "stock" look. I find the current scene like that though because it changes as fast as fashion tastes and clothes or music. Years ago, people just put straight pipes, headers and jacked the ass ends of the RWD cars in the air and called it a day. That trend stayed consistent through to the 80's (yes I'm older then most of you lol). Now its like every 3 months a new trend starts and people go nuts about it i.e rims: polished to brushed to gunmetal to black, graphics: pinstripes to splashes, tribal to none, lowered with no lips, lowered with lip kits to body kits and now back?? It's just the nature of the scene.
It also depends on your where you are. The moves at a different pace in various parts. Your car looks unique where you live, drive south and you either look like everyone else or stand out like an idiot because you look like a year ago? I'm a blend of new and old. I like the sport compacts. I've built the car that I like based on the mods that I think look good and I'm leaving it at that. Sure I've grown tired of the odd interior mod and I struggled with the body kit thing until I went ahead and got one but hey overall I'm please with what I've ended up with.
No it's not built for speed. That's another debate altogether. Suffice it to say I've been around long enough to know you never can go fast enough and there's always someone who's faster; and if you don't live near a track and you mod for performance, face it, you're using it on the street and we all know what that's done for the scene. I like a lot of cars on this site and others and in various stages of modding and evolution. I guess that's just me. For those trying to keep up with this scene, good luck and I hope you have the cash flow to back it up. When you get older and the scene takes a back seat to mortgages, school supplies and other vehicles to maintain, you learn to be pretty happy to be able just to get a little piece of the scene.
My 2 cents
Qwik2k2z24 wrote:This post is a waste of time.
It's only a waste of your time because you're following the trend. Give it a little bit, I can gurantee there will be some new fad that a bunch of people jump on, and there will be a few that sit quietly and don't say anything and just keep doing what THEY like and how THEY want their car done.
The biggest thing is...don't listen to people who tell you to change something, if you ask for an opinion on something you better be ready to hear some critism, but in the end it's up to you and it's your car do what you will. That's the freedom that we have. If you like big gaudy body kits, that's cool it's your thing, if you like stock, which seems to be the TREND that's cool too. Me personally as stated above, give me some flash and looks along w/ a decent amount of power and I'm happy. Not too much looks that I'm worried to break something, and at the same note not too much power that it's barely streetable.
Bottom line, we all imitate something, and some of us come up w/ our own stuff on occasion that is original, but it's only a matter of time before it's copied and now you're not original anymore. We are all or have been at one time guilty of coping something/someone in some facit of our cars. But if it looks good/funtions well, why not?
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
Skunk - REBORN 4/08 wrote:Qwik2k2z24 wrote:This post is a waste of time.
It's only a waste of your time because you're following the trend. Give it a little bit, I can gurantee there will be some new fad that a bunch of people jump on, and there will be a few that sit quietly and don't say anything and just keep doing what THEY like and how THEY want their car done.
The biggest thing is...don't listen to people who tell you to change something, if you ask for an opinion on something you better be ready to hear some critism, but in the end it's up to you and it's your car do what you will. That's the freedom that we have. If you like big gaudy body kits, that's cool it's your thing, if you like stock, which seems to be the TREND that's cool too. Me personally as stated above, give me some flash and looks along w/ a decent amount of power and I'm happy. Not too much looks that I'm worried to break something, and at the same note not too much power that it's barely streetable.
Bottom line, we all imitate something, and some of us come up w/ our own stuff on occasion that is original, but it's only a matter of time before it's copied and now you're not original anymore. We are all or have been at one time guilty of coping something/someone in some facit of our cars. But if it looks good/funtions well, why not?
Thank you for enlightening me on my trendyness.
Your retarded as usual.
This post is a waste of time because there is no reason to worry about how others spend their money. I like big body kits and show cars. I am also down with JDM things. Going fast is also a plus.
Get over yourself skunky. Try not to attack others.
Respectable member my ass....
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