Hey guys!
Its been about five years since i've been on j-body. I had a '00 Cavy Z24 sitting pretty nice when a couple of tornado's came around and took her out.
It was a sad time. And even sadder in my total state of confusion I cheated on the j-body form. I got a Toyota and a Nissan.. what was i thinking...
N-e-way i'm back! However I don't have another Cavy yet...
I'm looking at buying one but have a couple questions. First is which should i get? I noticed they stopped the 2.4L4 in '02 (shock to me... lol) and started with the ecotec 2.2. (I've heard some good things...) Right now i'm looking at a '02 Cavy, 5spd LS 2.2 Ecotech.
The questions.. should I go with the eco tech? or the z24 with that 2.4? I will be doing some bolt on upgrades, I don't know that I want to get into all the jazz i was in when i was 16-18.. but if i decided to go boost I want the best engine that they have on the cavy's.
So let me here your thoughts... i've also looked at a '95 with the 2.3, 5spd... down side is it has like a million miles on it... lol not really just 113k but n-e-way... I want to hear some thoughts!
if the '02 ecotec (no "h", just ecotec) is in good shape, go for it. the eco is a good engine and responds well to mods. how much are they asking for it, how many miles, and how well was it maintained? those things would be nice to know before really saying wether or not to get it.
Well i've looked at roughly a thousand cars in the last two days...
I hate internet shopping.
I've got no problem whatsoever with picking a good car/engine. The '02 i'm looking at has like 60k miles on it and i'd be albe to get an extended warreny on it... not to mention i have an account with autocheck and carfax
I would just like to hear some more opinions on wether or not to ge the ecotec or the 2.4...
also, what is available out there for turbos? superchargers? new internals? compared for each?
would i be looking at more custom fabrication for the ecotec? or are parts and pieces readily available? i notice RKSport doesn't have much out for this engine? Is there a reason?
Stuff like that, just need to get some input within the next 2 days. Because my blame celica died, way beyond death... lol
grr... if it wasn't so early i could figure out how to edit my last post... but n-e-way
if diffren't trans were used on these engines which trans would more easily adapt to better swaps? like the 2.0 Eco in the Cobalt SS and such...
Thanks for all the help guys. I originally purchased a OHV Cavy when i was 16 and lost some serious money swapping it for a Z24 with the better engine. I'm in my last year of college now and can't afford to lose any more money... thanks
The eco will prob have a better tranny, and be a little more reliable, the 2.4 will have more power, and the performance aftermarket is about the same for both.
I'm partial to the 2.4 even if they tend to have a few more problems than the eco.