Just wanted to say thanks to this Org. for all it's help and insight.I am 32 now (only started modding at 31)and have been working on my cav. on and off for a year now.Without the help of members like Karnage(Jeff),Manta Z(formerly),Tobaggan(Derek),DubDuece18's(Dan),JUCNBST,Ragin Z,Members of JBOM,the wisdom of guys' like Lenko,John Higgins,Gary the Old Guy.Also some I haven't always seen eye to eye with but repect them none the less

arkstars,Joey Baggs,Cheesecake(Mr.Cake).And to the neverending opinions and hilarious comments and pics of SAC and GAM&anyone else I forgot.Much respect to Ryne(TVR),PJ,Adam Hahn&Yasmin(Suncavi).Lastly to Dave and associates that created and continue this Org.Ok that is my sappy thankyou speech,wow I feel like I just wrote a small last will and testament.Thanks guys for keeping me inspired to continue modding the J-Body.

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
I am 32 now (only started modding at 31)
You old fart

(welcome to the club... how many gray hairs ya got?!?)
wow.... im 20 and started modding at 15

haha beat that! lol jk man im just bustin ur balls! anyway,its nice to see a positive post
I wish I would of found out about JBOM sooner than a year before I left MI.
Thanks guys,I'm getting white hairs for some odd reason???

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"

Thinkin' of goin' bald,you know what the ladies say!Bald is beautiful

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"