for those who forget, hes the guy to of claimed to have a completely built RSM Motor, that he would never take pics of... the one who keeps ruining jbodies
i rememeber that guy..he tried to buy some stuff of me..hes a tool..phil
Hes a huge liar i almost drove 1hr 45 mins 2 times to find out he never had what he said he had.
There's a Ryan Bodnar registered here saying he's from Arizona.
Probably not the same guy. Do you know what this loser's username is on here?
Heh...this riminds me of Jeremy Wentzel
High five to those who remember that name
14.330 @ 96.37mph
Wow, what a story..
Sorry to hear Tiny. Hope it all works out.
2002 Pontiac Sunfire GT - Supercharged
... that guy lives in the same city as me... i feel dirty.
on the bright side, i have a feeling i know where he lives. we can go egg his house, whos in?!
Injection is nice but id rather be BLOWN!
Damn... I'm surprised no one has taken this tool out. If I lived closer, I would just as a matter of principle!
Like I said on JCO, everyone needs to let Tiny handle what he needs to handle with Ryan. And by that I mean legal preceedings in attempts to regain some of his losses incured.
Threats or acts of violence are not going to help Tiny at all, rather hurt him. I say its best to leave it be until Tiny knows for sure whether he is going to recover any of the money he lost as a result of this incident.
Jay has handled this with remarkable class and tact, I think its best if we all respect this and not resort to violence or mudslinging...................yet.
not only is tiny out 500 bucks for deposit, he has to pay for cabfair for 4 months, and bodnar also drove his car around, and now his motor is leaking oil
well if it makes anyone feel better i do know where he lives. i recognized the area and the school from the pics on his car domain website. i would never resort to violence, atleast until everything is setteled as far as it will be between jay and this jackass.
im mearley just stating the fact that i know the area. like i said i had a friend who lived about 2 streets over and my old highschool was in that area too.
i wish jay the best in getting his money back.
Injection is nice but id rather be BLOWN!
^ yeah I know Ryan pretty well...I don't know the full story myself. I know he had Jay's car (didnt know it was 3 months) and he told me he was working on his door panels. Didn't know what kind of work Jay was also hoping to get done.
I've talked to Jay about this and I wish him the best of luck. It does suck for his loses, and I don't know what to say really. I bought my air ride from Ryan with no problems.
Jay man, I hope all works out for you bro. It's a shame you couldn't make the show, and it sucks even more that your sponsor backed out due to this. Keith will turn your fire into one hell of a ride!!! Keep your head up like I said and keep pluggin away.
If Ryan was driving your car around then I agree with everyone else..Ryan bro...Try to get things straightened out with Jay and resolve this issue and settle this like gentlemen. I know Jay will still offer respect to you, and I hope you do the same to Jay.
Get this solved sooner than later to clear everything up.
i still want to see this rsm charger that he wouldnt show anyone
^ LOL How many times did I call him out about that?
Never did like this Ryan Bodnar kid, but it's even harder to believe someone would pay him to work on their car! I guess some people are a bit too trustworthy, as I've never seen the douche turn out anything worth looking at. Lesson learned, send work to someone who has a reputation worth losing, or do it yourself.
-dougall- wrote:i know he posts on this site, so i will paste the link on over from JCO
sure hope noone on the .org got screwed by him..... sure hope he gets what he deservs
*not sure if this is the right forum
I would be careful calling someone a "scam artist" or "criminal" when they have not been convicted yet in a court of law. It is bordering defamation of character.
Also. I am not defending this person actions. just warning the original poster. best of luck to the guy who has had troubles.
your mom......ohhhhhhh nah sorry to hear about that man, we should shave his head and teach him to walk backwards, i know it probably doesn't make sense but yeah
-dougall- wrote:i know he posts on this site, so i will paste the link on over from JCO
sure hope noone on the .org got screwed by him..... sure hope he gets what he deservs
*not sure if this is the right forum
I just read 10 pages of that post, does Ryan Bodnar ever reply???????????
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
no, they deleted his account like 3 or 4 pages
Hes the guy who painted my car, I had a reasonably ok experience with him, somethings were cut corners but I paid pennies of what other shop wanted. However going off what happened with Tiny's car I think its safe to say I won't be a return customer. Its just sad, he had the opportunity to make a name for himself and blew it