i was wondering how the group purchase works
ummm... try the group purchase FAQ perhaps?
Desert Tuners
“When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it’s best not to stir it.”
but thats just a little TOO obvious Jarett! GOSH!
Travis C wrote:try reading the faq fag
Wow! That was intelligent and mature!
(Insert really cool picture of my car with some catchy name or slogan here)
thats why this site gets a bad name cause of people like you !
he is not referring to you rendell he is referring to travis c that comment was uncalled for i mean there has to be a missing tool from the rest and i think we found it.
For a second there I thought I was back in kindergarden. To call someone a fag just because they asked a question shows your IQ level.
If you can't help point the person in the right direction with out becoming nasty about it Y post anything at all>?
Bet his mom is so proud
you want it WHEN??
a gp works like this
you have a supplier that has is offering a product. the more people that get in on the deal, the more and more the cost goes down. it usually goes down about 10-15 bucks for every 10 people you get. gp are ususally the best ways to get deals on new things. if you want in there are usually instructions in the orignal post as to where to send the money. usually there is a list and you just add your name to the list then send the money out.
BaggedCav98 wrote:a gp works like this
you have a supplier that has is offering a product. the more people that get in on the deal, the more and more the cost goes down. it usually goes down about 10-15 bucks for every 10 people you get. gp are ususally the best ways to get deals on new things. if you want in there are usually instructions in the orignal post as to where to send the money. usually there is a list and you just add your name to the list then send the money out.
Great way of explaining it.
Kardain wrote:http://www.j-body.org/forums/read.php?f=50&i=2&t=2
This was the link to the FAQ.
Were you planning on ordering something from a GP or hosting a GP? To host a GP you need to be premium. To order, there is usually instructions on how to pay for your order in the first post by the GP's host.
Anyother questions, don't hesitate to ask. 99% of us are helpful, and the remaining 1% are unfortunately idiots.
indeed great way of putting it baggedcav98, evil cavalier is also correct