i was thinking about purchasing a cf hood from Mike Flores , and i was just wondering if anyone can say they know him or wut ever!
Well just wondering , thanx for ur time!
he hasnt made any posts within the last 30 days and only has his b-day in his profile
kinda iffy
he's never even made a post since he joined... i wouldn't buy from him.
thanx guys.....if i do decide to buy it ..i better get alot of personal info aon him...i will not b scamed !
any ideas on a way to go about this and not get scamed? like a fullproof plan?
meet them in person or dont buy it, sorry but that raises so many flags
i hear ya! to bad i live in KY and he lives in cali!
Escrow is a legal arrangement where an asset (often money, but sometimes other property such as art, a deed of title, website, or software source code) is delivered to a third party (called an escrow agent) to be held in trust pending a contingency or the fulfillment of a condition or conditions in a contract such as payment of a purchase price. Upon that event occurring, the escrow agent will deliver the asset to the proper recipient, otherwise the escrow agent is bound by his or her fiduciary duty to maintain the escrow account.
In English:
Escrow holds the money until you get the merchandise and once its confirmed received, they release the funds to the seller.
There is usually a fee involved, though. Typically a percentage of the funds being transferred.
SWEET! thanx guys..if i buy it thats they way to go !

ur my hero! were was u all 3 months ago!

dont get scammed twice man...........here ill save you the trouble, just send me the money and call it a day
seriously come on. its an obvious scam and your still thinking about buying from him?
BaggeDCav98 (UnquotaBLe One) wrote:seriously come on. its an obvious scam and your still thinking about buying from him?
seriously.. if its cuz of price have u considered shipping costs? or was it not included cuz he aint gonna ship the hood? seriously.. dont buy it or in a month or so we'll be hearing another i got scammed post..
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Monday, September 25, 2006 7:30 AM
Aaron Chambers wrote:any ideas on a way to go about this and not get scamed? like a fullproof plan?
Yes...don't buy from him. I'm sure he doesn't even have anything to sell, and is just wanting money. Don't do it man, you'll just lose your money again.
see i didnt even put this together that u were the guy who just posted bout being scammed outta 2200.. have u learned nothing then? there are quite a bit of red flags that u shouldnt even be considering buying this.. so i seriously hope uve decided to go a different way..
just use paypal, if you never get it then do a paypal claim and get your money back...
I have been scamed like 3/4 times because i go with the best deal no matter how shady it looks and most of the time its real, and other times its not but I ALWAYS get my money back from paypal... is it worth the trouble and wait of a paypal claim? probably not, and probably the best route is to not make the deal, but paypal is very good with looking at the situation in depth and looking at the back and forth emails and the shipping information from both sides and then decide whats the course of action... just buy that buyer protection insurance thing if you decide to go ahead and get scamed! lol... personally i wouldnt do it, its a little TO fishy... good luck

|Forged 8.9:1 Wiseco Pistons|Forged Eagle Rods|HPTuners|60trim|Tial Wastegate|
|Precision Intercooler|2.5" Exhaust|2.5" Charge Pipes|630CC Mototron Injectors|
|Stock: Fuel Pump, Transmission, Manifold, TB, Head, Head Gasket, Ignition, Suspension...|
if you never get it then do a paypal claim and get your money back.
THe claim can be denied, in which case you would do a chargeback on your credit card.