Enough with the teaser c/f photo's on your site!!!! Release them! Seriously though, I'm looking forward to getting a few of what you have posted there. I know, takes time... I'm sure I'm speaking for a lot of people saying that we can't wait till you make those products available

Keep it up!
this is a pointless thread
themarin8r wrote:this is a pointless thread
Like 90% of your posts contribute anything either?
This post has a point, its to let IZN that his work is being appreciated, hopefully giving him support and incentive to keep and finish his latest projects.
Your right JerseyKid, this is just to say "great job and continue!". themarin8r, if you thinks this is pointless, then ignore it.
i got dibs in line for CF b-pillars...i have the set right here if you need mine to do it. come on
FOR SALE: (5) '95-'99 Z24 Rims
JerseyKid (Boosted&JDM) wrote:themarin8r wrote:this is a pointless thread
Like 90% of your posts contribute anything either?
same could be said for yours
I'm sure the guy knows people are waiting and is working like a mad man to fill orders and come up with new @!#$.
We (except for whiteboy

) all know he does excellent work, and when he releases the product, it will be excellent as well. No need to make a thread about it.
Really Marin8r, where do my posts not contribute anything?
( Except for AG )
as pointless as this thread is, this isnt the place for that

IZN , i may be contacting you about come civic headlights in the future.
Im waitin on them carbon b pillars myself
Z Speed Cavi wrote:Im waitin on them carbon b pillars myself
I need a set badly. My stock one keep getting worse everyday
GREAT things come to those who waite!!
im sorry for the delay fellas, and gals.
there is one thing i have learned in all of this.
once you fail, try and try again. if you still fail, get someone else to do if for you.

so that's where i am at. i am waiting on one package to come in, and then i am sending a nice big package out. now that summer is cooling down (hardly), i can get home from work much earlier and start working on projects such as this with out having to wait 'till the weekends. the problem i am having is getting the cast, and plug perfect. i have perfect molds to use, but the two epoxies used to make the cast shrinks 5% when it hardens. so the finished product is too small to use. so, i have done allot of research and found a company (Best Bio Oil refinery) who will help me out. well, it's not the company, but rather the owner of the company.
anyway, after receiving the items, i will be receiving a cost for all the casts and plugs to be made. i may need to set up a "pre-order" for the two items i am having done, but i am very hesitant in doing so. i dont like to have other peoples money at play. too many people have done this, and ended up loosing their business and end up owing everyone back. not a future i am looking forward to having.
so, like i reply with in the 10 emails a day on this question.... "please be patient. i am getting closer to getting them done. please bare with me, and i will let you know when they are ready".

thanks guys, and please sign up on my site. people signed up will be notified first via email.
I'm not trying to rush you. I just wanted to say I can't wait for your new products and that everything you've done thus far is awesome. Quality business's are not always easy to come by. I can sure wait as long as it takes just so you feel good with your products

Off to sign up so I get email updates!
he he. no problem jason. yea bud, i see you have just made an account. thank you, and thank you for your kind words as well.
^^^ ha ha. it's cool bud. i sent a reply to your last one at:
Mon, 18 Sep 2006 14:06:40 -0700 (PDT)
that's 2:06pm my time. (cali time)

i gave you my number so you can give me a call. ill walk you through where you are stuck, and give you some more pointers.
made my account, and will hopefully be hitting you up later on this year/early next year for some work.
Desert Tuners

“When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it’s best not to stir it.”