I just wanted to clear some things up reguarding winksonline, I have been recieving a lot of emails reguarding new purchases, previous sales transactions and rumors. Yes I am the new owner of winksonline, I have been asked by a few people on AIM and via emails. Yes I recently purchased winksonline from chris.
As for the emails reguarding new purchases, I am taking
NO ORDERS at this moment as stated on the home page of winksonline. I am redoing the site and updating it with new products and cosmetics as well. I have a lot of orginizing and other things to take care of before I am ready to open.
As for the emails reguarding previous sales transactions, I do not deal with any sales or transactions made before the date in which I became the new owner. I am leaving chris@winksonline.com up for chris' email. You can contact him through there for any reason if need be reguarding an old sale transaction.
I ask for anyone that has any questions reguarding either previous sales transactions or new sales transactions to please handel them via email
I just wanted to clarify this with the JBO community. I am very anxious to open the doors and add another store for the JBO and other sport compacts. I will not be opening for at least another few months until everything is settled orginized and ready to go. If for some reason you need to contact myself I can be reached at matt@winksonline.com or for a faster response (mostly used at this time) redcavi2002@yahoo.com.
Thanks for everyones time
Winks Online
Good luck with the buisness.

Disclaimer: I will probally offend you with what is written in this post.
Thank you, it will not be as large as a few of the others on the site just one more to add more of a variety
Winks Online
congrats on the purchase. good luck with the business, can't wait to see what you do with it
Nice move matt, if you need any help that i can give let me know, ill help out anytime. well as soon as you help me with my side mouldings, lol just kidding, ill lend a hand if you need anything.
Good luck! Im trying to start a business myself, so I know the difficulties
Thanks everyone for the comments I appreciate them. And thanks Jason that means a lot.
Winks Online
Karo if you'll sell car customs for the price he got winks for I'll buy it right now
and if aaron will sell turbo tech at the same price as winks then im in too. wait no im not, i cant run my life let alone a business. oh well. ill still support the companies.
Highly doubt he got it for anything close to what I want for mine.
WinksOnline.com (FatalicCAVI) wrote:
As for the emails reguarding previous sales transactions, I do not deal with any sales or transactions made before the date in which I became the new owner.
Unless you have some legal document from Winks saying differently, not only did you buy his assets but you also bought his liabilities.
WinksOnline.com (FatalicCAVI) wrote:FstCavZ24 (Turbo ECO) wrote:WinksOnline.com (FatalicCAVI) wrote:
As for the emails reguarding previous sales transactions, I do not deal with any sales or transactions made before the date in which I became the new owner.
Unless you have some legal document from Winks saying differently, not only did you buy his assets but you also bought his liabilities.
Which I do 
Now THAT, my friend, was a smart move. Good luck!
With all honesty Chris has been great and really help ful. I do understand that there may have and were problems with that in the past. To be honest has been a great person to work with and very helpful.
Thats neither here nor there I just wanted to state that and I don't want this thread to take a turn to the old stuff. Winksonline is moving forward so I hope I can be able to turn the what you heard and turn that around very quickly.
Winks Online
Good luck.
It'll take me a lot to get me to come back to winks.
and chris can go rot for all I care.
But you sir...
Good luck, I hope everything takes off smoothly.
If I may suggest something though?
Change the name....
Inari wrote:Good luck.
It'll take me a lot to get me to come back to winks.
and chris can go rot for all I care.
But you sir...
Good luck, I hope everything takes off smoothly.
If I may suggest something though?
Change the name....
Ok, well I just wanted to say don't be an ass about things. Chris was doing everything he could to make things right with people. He didn't just go off like Wes did when something went bust. It sucks that the hinges we got from the place we where havin' them made messed up on them not us. BTW I did work for Chris for a little while when I had the time to help him out with setting up new accounts. It should show you that he didn't want to leave, but he went for broke to try to make it. Don't hate him for that. I will always keep the palms in my logo for him!