Just wanted to make a public attempt to make sure I do not leave anyone out...
All of my suppliers have been out of carbon fiber for the last few months and I know I owe a few parts out that I promised I would ship when I got more.
I just secured a couple big pieces of CF and I want to make any and all parts that people have been waiting for before I start my next GP. This is the good twill weave, not the cheap garbage that I was able to find on eBay and never passed on to my customers.
I'm basically just "cleaning house" of any old orders so I can get the company going again.
Please email me at bluecavcustoms@yahoo.com - I am aware of one order (Ryan Carr's) that came up short, and another one (Spyder's) that got lost in the mail apparently. Anyone else that I may have forgotten, please contact me.
Refunds for the HVAC Face Project that went awry will be sent via PayPal by the end of this weekend, so those customers do not need to contact me. I will have that product under control this Fall and will give those customers first dibs when I have working units in hand.
Thanks! Did not know where else to post this. Hope its OK.
Blue Cav Customs
cool thing to do steve......i already emailed ya this week don't know if you got my email...let me know...otherwise i'll email ya again....
thanks again....
You owe me a front emblem, but don't worry about it, i've since moved so my addy is different, and I have a hand made custom one that Phlatcav's g/f made for me.
how about the XM radio thing i sent ya? let me know, no hurry. Lowdwn169@aol.com
and i still owe you for the hood latch cover with silver icons and the icons for the dimmer switch, let me know how much that is and ill sent out the money order. i wanted an HVAC but i can wait till you get things straightened out with them
hit me up on AIM or something.
simple minds talk about other people.
average minds talk about events.
great minds discuss ideas
Hey Steve,
you owe me a refund on the cf hvac and the cf hood release.
Moms & Dads talk to your kids,before its too late,tell them to say no to aluminum wings.
I still have not recieved My Cf door handle inserts. I ordered tham from Frank Mckeever at Cavalier Etreme and he said you were out.. So if you could get them to me I would greatly appreciate it. I've been waiting since June.. My e-mail Is Mavrik_24@msn.com
Just shoot me an e-mail and let me know whats up..
Blue Cav, kind of off topic, but when are you going to bring more products out for sunfires (specifically 03+)?
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
OK, I have noted everyone'sa replies and will send individual answers later today.
I would LOVE to start making products for the Fires but I can't seem to find anyone in my area to take templates from their car.
I'll start another push to find a volunteer soon.
I have emailed everyone on the list here and will be watching for replies.
I'm going to stop checking this thread around the end of the month, so hopefully I have grabbed everyone that I owe anything to.
I can be emailed in the meantime or called at (703) 203-5439.
hey how about some stuff for grand ams??
sorry to get of topic but big ups for you manning up and asking who you owed and not just forgetting them