DvBoard (The V One) wrote:
yea i'm saying PEOPLE DON'T CARE.
i know it sounds mean but the average person won't care. a small group might, but how many people have been directly effected by something that happened 90 years ago?
what am i supposed to do about soemthign that happened 90 years ago?
go back in time and fix it?
So just because you weren't directly affected by it, that somebody who does show respect and was directly affected by it should not honor his ancestors for the weekend?
Karo and his family was directly affected by it, he is showing his respect for those in his nationality who died for absolutely no reason. Should the Jews stop remembering thier genocide because the typical american doesn't care? No. He stopped his site out of respect, which is 10 times what anybody else will do. If he loses business over it, then so be it, there is more to life than money. Knowing where you came from is important to some people.
What you are saying is typical of the ignorant american. "It doesn't affect me, so why should I care?" Lifes best lessons are learned from mistakes in the past. Does it make your life any more difficult knowing that this happened? Probably not, so whats the problem if somebody does honor the dead and mistreated? It may have happened 90 years ago, but it was only recongnized less than 10 years ago.
This is Karo's way of showing respect to those who died, in his nationality this is a very important date. Over half of that nationality was killed. If half of the american public (about 100 million people) died, you think that in 90 years the new country should stop honoring and remembering those who died? I think you're opinion would change if you or your family was directly affected by this. You really need to grow up and open your eyes, the world has a lot going on than just your world and the things that directly affect you.
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shifted, thanks, you worded that pefectly...
Shifted wrote:DvBoard (The V One) wrote:
yea i'm saying PEOPLE DON'T CARE.
i know it sounds mean but the average person won't care. a small group might, but how many people have been directly effected by something that happened 90 years ago?
what am i supposed to do about soemthign that happened 90 years ago?
go back in time and fix it?
So just because you weren't directly affected by it, that somebody who does show respect and was directly affected by it should not honor his ancestors for the weekend?
Karo and his family was directly affected by it, he is showing his respect for those in his nationality who died for absolutely no reason. Should the Jews stop remembering thier genocide because the typical american doesn't care? No. He stopped his site out of respect, which is 10 times what anybody else will do. If he loses business over it, then so be it, there is more to life than money. Knowing where you came from is important to some people.
What you are saying is typical of the ignorant american. "It doesn't affect me, so why should I care?" Lifes best lessons are learned from mistakes in the past. Does it make your life any more difficult knowing that this happened? Probably not, so whats the problem if somebody does honor the dead and mistreated? It may have happened 90 years ago, but it was only recongnized less than 10 years ago.
This is Karo's way of showing respect to those who died, in his nationality this is a very important date. Over half of that nationality was killed. If half of the american public (about 100 million people) died, you think that in 90 years the new country should stop honoring and remembering those who died? I think you're opinion would change if you or your family was directly affected by this. You really need to grow up and open your eyes, the world has a lot going on than just your world and the things that directly affect you.
Shifted you are so good with words!!!!! I was tring to figure out how to word what i was thinking and you go and just do it perfectly!

My car was made with wrenches, Not chopsticks.
Hey Karo,
I wanted to look at a few things you got on your site is there a way for me to access the site just to look or do i wait till tommorrow? no biggie on waiting, just wanted to browse and get some ideas thats all!
btw, a good friend of mine is Armenian and i sent him the link to your site and he loved it!! him and his dad thought it was the coolest thing!

My car was made with wrenches, Not chopsticks.
i agree Shifted worded that perfectly, I had never heard of this at all, but when i read this post I couldn't believe some one would be that ignorant. Karo is doing a great thing, and as stated before is doing A LOT more than the average person would do, for this I take my hat off to him! It is for sure a tragedy and those who suffered deserve to be remembered and honoured.
Karo once again you're the man
Check Cardomain for PICS
call me cold but really I DON'T CARE. really i'm not saying it shoudl be forgotten but what the hell can we DO about it?
i'm comming off as a real ass here and i'm sorry i don't mean to be but i can't figure out how to word what i'm thinking. plain and simple i don't think what he's doing is the BEST idea for him and his cause. maybe i would think differently if something else happened, find me and ask me after it does.
its not the point that you are gonna go back and change things, cause we all know it is impossible, but that doesnt mean you cant educate people and remember what has happened.
This is just turning into a pissing contest. Obviously you aren't going to be receptive of those trying to do good things for thier people and the rememberance of those past. His choice, plain and simple, if you don't think it was a wise decision, well it may sound mean, but
Locked to respect the Armenian people and the people past. This thread was to call attention to the respect that some people have, and it will be left at that.
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