Why dont the jbodys from every state represent their state??? Everyone come to an agreement on what the sticker should look like and post it and it will be the responsibility of any jbody owner of that stae to get thier own sticker and throw it on their car!!! Then at the big bashs we can see which states are represented???
and half the time, the people of the state wouldn't be able to agree on who should represend their state.
or i should say, what the state's sticker should look like.
Well damn how bout we all be lil school girls and %$#^& about it I think we should take our state abbreviations and throw a js behind it and who ever will represent will do so
well damn, how about you listen to people's feedback on your ideas before you start to bitch about it yourself. i never said that i wouldn't be up for it, all i said is that it would be a hard thing to accomplish since not everyone will want to go along with it. so get over yourself.
Because why does it matter what state anyone is from? And what if they live in one state say for college but are really from another state? And what if they are from Canada, there are no states there, but there are provinces. In the end its rather pointless. Anyone that wants to represent something has their local car club that they can represent. Some states (and provinces) have clubs, more power to them. But the majority don't.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about
the former." - Albert Einstein
97zburner wrote:Why dont the jbodys from every state represent their state??? Everyone come to an agreement on what the sticker should look like and post it and it will be the responsibility of any jbody owner of that stae to get thier own sticker and throw it on their car!!! Then at the big bashs we can see which states are represented???
I don't understand you reasoning behind this? Why not just look at the license plate to see what states are there.
<a href="http://www.jbodybash.com"><img src="http://www.jbodybash.com/images/banner_add.gif" alt="International J-Body Bash"></a><a href=aim:goim?screenname=IncubusGt486&message=>
AIM </a> <a href=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/mshoaf2/newbie.htm> <font color="red"> Marc Shoaf's Newbie Performance Guide</a></font>
indiana has the club JCI with neat little stickers
kentucky and michigan has j clubs... jbok and jbom... just make your on club and to from there...
I always represent my state at every show with my PA. state license plate...........LOL
this guy needs to go fist himself, gettin all mad cuz someone doenst like his idea when hes tryin to put it on everyone...homo thats not the way things get done. if you want to start it in ur state and if its cool enough it will catch on and spread.
if anything it needs to be a removable vinyl sticker type deal that can be taken off and put on whenever ( just for the bash) you know the kinda vynl sticker things that can be taken off and put on as many times as you want without losing its stickyness
Yeah I'm not too big on putting stickers on my car's body either.
joe smith wrote:if anything it needs to be a removable vinyl sticker type deal that can be taken off and put on whenever ( just for the bash) you know the kinda vynl sticker things that can be taken off and put on as many times as you want without losing its stickyness
those don't stick too well to cars going 70 mph... if anything, it would have to be one of those magnets like the "support our troops" ones.
haha....um those stickers would be dumb as hell. i think it was inky that said it best.
"Why not just look at the license plate to see what states are there.
i'm baaaaack!!
Florida has a sticker. I have it but it is not on my car. The only sticker i have on my car is the small JBO sticker.
2004 Grand Prix GTP (Competition Group)
SOLD-->1999 Z24 5M-#30 to register on JBO
"You can please some of the people some of the time but you can't please all the people'
all the time
Some people may not like the type of club their state has. It could be one of those "INSYNE CUSTOMS" type of club where you are required to go to a weekly meet, pay dues, go to a certain amount of shows, etc. Lots of people, including myself, don't like that scene. Luckily, JCI isn't like that
Ignore the @!#$ty pic. It was a quickie.
yeah florida has a sticker but I do not have one on my car
I hate to be a prick, but if someone had done a search they would know that there are some of these already in place not only with states but cities and like Dave mentioned earlier Provinces in Canada..
A couple of us from Jersey have stickers ... I think they look good .