Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks . - Politics and War Forum

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Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 6:32 PM on


The H1N1 flu scare was a dismal failure. People informed about the health risks refused to get the vaccination. The United Nation�s World Health Organization tried to stampede people into getting the shot by declaring a level six pandemic. The CDC issued apocalyptic warnings. Most people ignored them.


British researchers claim seasonal flu vaccinations will reduce the risk of heart attack. Photo: El Alvi.

The medical establishment, however, has not given up its efforts to convince people toxic vaccines are good for them.

Heard it on the radio this morning and of course i don't buy it like come on seriously are people that stupid . Studies have shown that these vaccines are not good for you .

What say you all about this and please lets not bash each other in this thread okay lets just discuss the topic at hand .

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved Acts 16:31

Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
" Mark Twain "

Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 6:51 PM on
some studies have shown that the vaccine's are bad for your health. some studies have shown they do exactly what they're meant to do. this all comes down to personal choice.

don't really see what's to debate here.

Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 7:27 PM on
I don't think a vaccine could prevent a heart attack just doesn't click in my head .

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved Acts 16:31

Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
" Mark Twain "
Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 8:12 PM on
Well thats where a better understanding of the body and modern medicine come into play.

Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 9:04 PM on
John H wrote:I don't think a vaccine could prevent a heart attack just doesn't click in my head .

Have you done research to prove that it can't? Or are you just not seeing that medicine/vaccines all fight/prevent illness. They may be wrong but they may be right. Are you going to question when they cure cancer? AIDS? or will you be happy and not want to debate about it.

Disclaimer: Dey see me Trollin' Dey hatin' for trollin dey trying to catch me ridin dirty.

Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 5:15 AM on
here and everywhere i heard about they couldnt keep the h1n1 vacines on the shelf so to speak, anytime they got more shipments in people were getting vacinated. so to say it was a failure seems a bit much.

as for flu cacines preventing heart attacks, i wouldnt be surprised to see something come out that some ingredient used in a flu vacine helps prevent hear attacks. problaby lowers the percentage of a heart attack in some patients by some small amount. you can't take the title of a story and beleive that that is 100% of what the story is. they always trump up a headline of a story bigtime to make you read the story. chances are the flu vacine lowers your chance of a heart atatck by a small percentage in some people.!/Square1Photography
Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 7:35 AM on
You don't need to research this , common sense and logic should tell you that putting something like this in your body is bad for you no matter how they put it . Saying it prevents heart attacks means more idiots will get it and that's what they want .

I don't care how much money they spend into it no vaccine can prevent a heart attack its that simple really . If you heard it from your government then you know something is up and no its not some crazy conspiracy theory ...

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved Acts 16:31

Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
" Mark Twain "
Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 7:48 AM on
John H wrote:You don't need to research this , common sense and logic should tell you that putting something like this in your body is bad for you no matter how they put it . Saying it prevents heart attacks means more idiots will get it and that's what they want .

I don't care how much money they spend into it no vaccine can prevent a heart attack its that simple really . If you heard it from your government then you know something is up and no its not some crazy conspiracy theory ...

So your a doctor or a scientist and can prove your allegations? Or are you just spouting off crap like you always do with no or very little knowledge in the matter? Unless you have concrete facts which your hunch is about as concrete as jello then your just another theorist that is full of @!#$.

Disclaimer: Dey see me Trollin' Dey hatin' for trollin dey trying to catch me ridin dirty.

Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 8:08 AM on
Sure it could help prevent a heart attack just like Bayer. Technically if it has anything to thin the blood alone it will help prevent a heart attack. Whether it's a long term thing I doubt it.

Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 8:37 AM on
They're really injecting nanobots that will be activated once a sufficient percentage of the world population have received the vaccine. At this point, the nanobots will take over your mind, and they will have complete control over you.

Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 10:14 AM on
John H wrote:You don't need to research this , common sense and logic should tell you that putting something like this in your body is bad for you no matter how they put it . Saying it prevents heart attacks means more idiots will get it and that's what they want .

I don't care how much money they spend into it no vaccine can prevent a heart attack its that simple really . If you heard it from your government then you know something is up and no its not some crazy conspiracy theory ...

ever heard of small pocks. it was pretty much erradicated by a simple vaccine. do some research. you have no idea wether it can work or not. you probalby havnt even read any articles on it to know wether it totally prevents it (doubtful) or wether it just lowers your chances. you just throw out your assumptions and assume they are facts because you believe them. your looking like a complete idiot here. look at the chicken pocs. for adults that can be deadly. kids got it all the time. now there are vaccines for it, and that is slowly being taken care of as well.

if you dont know something. its okay to admit you dont know. just saying what you beleive is true and thinking its right just makes you look like an idiot.!/Square1Photography

Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 11:28 AM on
Perhaps people could eat better and exercise some and then you wouldn't need this . I understand your post man .

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved Acts 16:31

Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
" Mark Twain "
Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 11:51 AM on
John H wrote:Perhaps people could eat better and exercise some and then you wouldn't need this . I understand your post man .

So eating and exercise has everything to do to heart attacks? Even a healthy person can have a heart attack. Yes exercise and eating better will help some but it will not eliminate all the problems that can cause a heart attack. I feel you need to do some more research on topics before you attempt to debate them. I by no means know everything on this subject but I am open to learning on it and being around nurses my whole life (mother and wife) I feel I have some knowledge on topics in the medical field. By no means does that make me an expert thought that I can say you are 100% wrong and I am 100% right. I do know that vaccines help as the past shows this as sndsgood pointed out. Also without a list of everything in the vaccine who really knows what it will help and what it won't. I believe someone pointed that out already that there could be a ingredient in there that does help prevent like bayer and baby asprin.

Disclaimer: Dey see me Trollin' Dey hatin' for trollin dey trying to catch me ridin dirty.

Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 12:33 PM on
Did you guys see what that swine flu vaccine did to that poor cheerleader gave her dystonia ( sp ) made her all weird .

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved Acts 16:31

Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
" Mark Twain "
Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:07 PM on
John H wrote:Did you guys see what that swine flu vaccine did to that poor cheerleader gave her dystonia ( sp ) made her all weird .
Got proof that it did any such thing?

Just WHAT do you think a vaccine is? What do you think its made of that is so "toxic?!" I'm curious if you have ANY idea just how they work. I'd bet you don't but please feel free to prove me wrong.

Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:31 PM on

Most of these vaccines have mercury in them and if your smart you know that it ain't good for you . Vaccines work by entering the bloodstream and soon there after start attacking the nervous system and thereby leaving the patient in a state of retardation . ( That's my version of it and hey it sounds very plausible )

Whatever the case is the gov saying it prevents heart attacks which screams major BS to me and other non sense i still won't be getting it but if you guys wanna go right ahead .

Sorry i don't have all the knowledge in my head but your free to research it .

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved Acts 16:31

Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
" Mark Twain "
Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 2:24 PM on
Really you believe that bull@!#$? Dystonia is not caused by @!#$ vaccines is a neurological disorder. Do some homework there have been many findings that disprove anything that she claims. There is more mercury in a @!#$ can of tuna then the flu vaccine. Try again foil hat boy. Maybe it was the aliens sending a warning message. hahaha

Disclaimer: Dey see me Trollin' Dey hatin' for trollin dey trying to catch me ridin dirty.

Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 3:00 PM on

And now the WTF part.


Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 3:26 PM on
i have HAPPILY never got any vaccine in the past 15 years. All my friends who got them were shaking uncontrollably. Hundreds of people were disabled and or mentally disabled from the h1n1 vaccines and the evidence is absolutely overwelming. Canadas top doctor claimed the vaccines were a total waste of money by the time the disease was come and gone, then the vaccines came by then it was too late. Canadian government spends millions on vaccine propaganda every year like other governments. If it worked whats the need for all the propaganda and advertising.

I personally made sure as many people as I could I made sure they knew the vaccines were making people sick. In fact my friend WHO IS IN MED SCHOOL who got the vaccine was shaking uncontrollably for days. He couldn't understand why i refuse to get them. Maybe because i can observe what they do to people and how the only way to stay healthy and not be sick IS TO EAT REAL FOOD. A year ago a old 70 year old customer got her vaccine the morning and in the afternoon i was there for the install and she complained to me about being sick and as soon as i mentioned mercury is in the vaccine she said oh my goodness it was in there im never getting another vaccine in my life again. Even a 70 year old tough irish gal can change because getting a vaccine is just stupid. She said she only got it because of the shows talking about the bad flu season.

Forcing vaccines on ANYONE is FASCISM=NO CHOICE. I HAD NO CHOICE GETTING A FEW VACCINES UP TO MY 10TH B-DAY. Kids today by the time they are 10 have had at LEST 36 vaccines all loaded with toxic levels of mercury. Wonder why kids BOUNCE UP AND DOWN OFF THE WALLS ITS NOT NATURAL. wtf people think its normal for kids to act like that. stupid parents load their kids with toxic vaccines, let them eat junk food, allow them to watch television THEN THE SAME MORONIC PARENTS have the lack of senses to wonder why their kids are acting really strange and hyper.
Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 3:46 PM on
Myles wrote:i have HAPPILY never got any vaccine in the past 15 years. All my friends who got them were shaking uncontrollably. Hundreds of people were disabled and or mentally disabled from the h1n1 vaccines and the evidence is absolutely overwelming. Canadas top doctor claimed the vaccines were a total waste of money by the time the disease was come and gone, then the vaccines came by then it was too late. Canadian government spends millions on vaccine propaganda every year like other governments. If it worked whats the need for all the propaganda and advertising.

I personally made sure as many people as I could I made sure they knew the vaccines were making people sick. In fact my friend WHO IS IN MED SCHOOL who got the vaccine was shaking uncontrollably for days. He couldn't understand why i refuse to get them. Maybe because i can observe what they do to people and how the only way to stay healthy and not be sick IS TO EAT REAL FOOD. A year ago a old 70 year old customer got her vaccine the morning and in the afternoon i was there for the install and she complained to me about being sick and as soon as i mentioned mercury is in the vaccine she said oh my goodness it was in there im never getting another vaccine in my life again. Even a 70 year old tough irish gal can change because getting a vaccine is just stupid. She said she only got it because of the shows talking about the bad flu season.

Forcing vaccines on ANYONE is FASCISM=NO CHOICE. I HAD NO CHOICE GETTING A FEW VACCINES UP TO MY 10TH B-DAY. Kids today by the time they are 10 have had at LEST 36 vaccines all loaded with toxic levels of mercury. Wonder why kids BOUNCE UP AND DOWN OFF THE WALLS ITS NOT NATURAL. wtf people think its normal for kids to act like that. stupid parents load their kids with toxic vaccines, let them eat junk food, allow them to watch television THEN THE SAME MORONIC PARENTS have the lack of senses to wonder why their kids are acting really strange and hyper.

Eat @!#$ and die in a fire. You have no clue what the @!#$ your talking about. You spew your conspiracy alien bull @!#$ and all it is is bull @!#$. You have yet to provide any proof. So post scientific proof that backs you or stop with your nonsense. God damn stupid @!#$ canadians.

Disclaimer: Dey see me Trollin' Dey hatin' for trollin dey trying to catch me ridin dirty.

Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 3:57 PM on
I'm pretty sure a can of tuna has more mercury than a vaccine. We should stop eating health natural fish, and should never ever eat that frankenfish salmon in which they turned on the growth gene in it's DNA using the rDNA of another species of salmon. They'll probably lay eggs in our stomachs and turn us into zombies or something.

I have had countless vaccines in my life. And I've only gotten two flu vaccines. They were free and I wanted to get away from my desk at work for a bit, you know, to escape from my bondage that evil corporate America is imposing on all individuals that are sheep and can't think for themselves despite some being extremely intelligent and able think freely for themselves and formulate opinions based on knowledge gained from reading up on subjects and not watching stupid videos with debunked theories. I have not gotten the flu in over 10 years. And after getting those two flu vaccines, not once did I come away with uncontrolable shaking. Nor did I get the shot and see countless groups of people curled up in the fetal position rocking back and forth uncontrolably because they had just gotten a shot. Your theories or absolute crap. The only thing I agree with is parents letting their kids sit around watching tv, play on iPods or cell phones all day, and feeding them @!#$ for food. Growing up, I was outside everyday. My parents literally had to drag me into the house to get me to eat dinner. Kids are hyper because they eat a ton of fat and sugar and get absolutely no exercise. Not because the government is trying to control our lives by giviing shots of pure mercury and lead cleverly concealed as "vaccines." How many infants or young children would die of childhood diseases if the vaccines were not given? What was the childhood mortality rate 100 years ago versus today? How many people have/had grandparents or great grandparents that burried siblings while growing up due to diseases that are now rare because of proper vaccination?

I work on Wall Street, but didn't force you to take out a loan you couldn't afford.

Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 3:58 PM on

Where is the evidence vaccines ARE SAFE LET ALONE WORK. LOL you have not investigated for yourself you have no idea.
Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 4:57 PM on
Is it just me or is John H. the most entertaining on J-bo, if only due to the remarks people make to come back at him. Funny @!#$.

wysiwyg wrote:i would say they bang, they don't really pound so much. but if
you want to bump, then they will bump and hit real hard and a lot good.

Re: Vaccines now supposed to prevent heart attacks .
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 6:43 PM on

Where is the evidence vaccines ARE SAFE LET ALONE WORK. LOL you have not investigated for yourself you have no idea.

So small pox, chicken pox, mumps all those must be made up and never happened and are not drastically cut down to rare cases now due to luck? or that they never existed? You say that I have not done research but have you or are you just getting your info out of the air or on the news or your conspiracy theory sites? I have never caught anything that I was vaccinated for guess I must be lucky along with the countless others that are around our country and around the world that use vaccinations.

Disclaimer: Dey see me Trollin' Dey hatin' for trollin dey trying to catch me ridin dirty.

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