So every once in a while I check up on some of the articles posted on because these days I find myself increasingly nervous with some of the things going on in the administration... But anyways lately it's grown to where I can't just sit back and watch anymore, and I have a lot of local fans who really dig my music. So I am buying into the hype that "one person can make a difference" and making a political oriented song (which I would usually preach against). I finally found my spin off on that website...
basically it explains how the white house has been paying artists in the form of grants, to publicly support some of Obama's initiatives. This really aggravates me, like it's taking the one thing we could still depend on, art, and tainting it with Obama's liberal/socialist/two-facedness bull@!#$. I would have to read into the copyrights and stuff, but I think a cool Lupe Fiasco-ish thing to do would be adding a narrative to the intro of a song that reads this part from that article, "Over the last week, Big Hollywood and Big Government have been extensively covering the August 10 conference call between the National Endowment for the Arts and a group of artists – a call on which the artists were encouraged to support President Obama’s agenda, with the tacit promise that they would be handsomely rewarded with government grants." And then proceed to not make a government hate-song, but a hate song towards the artists who sold out to them.
You may not like to hear this...but the arts were a liberal bastion well before Obama and the Dems ever came into power. Not saying you should not make your voice heard, but the established presence in such arenas is fully entrenched. Mom always said: Choose your battles carefully!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, October 07, 2009 5:18 AM