With that crazy lady who had 6 kids and then had IVF treatment to have 8 more on the news, it got me thinking about having kids. Although this lady is obviously out of her mind, there is something to having a big family. After all, you can directly link the survival of the Irish and the French-Canadians as a culture to the fact that they had HUGE families. You can also make a damn good case that the "rise" of conservatism is due to the fact that conservatives usually have twice as many kids as liberals.
So with the world in such dire straights and with the western world population in massive decline, the idea of outf**king our enemies does make a little bit of sense.
So would you? I don't mean just 3-4 kids. I mean like 10+ kids per family.
It'd probably drive me nuts, but I could probably do it. However, without sounding sexist, I'd definitely need a stay at home wife while I go out and make money to feed the family. There's just no way it could work any other way.
I figure that when you have one, you're a little apprehensive about two, but that once you have two you think "What the hell?" about three since you probably have a garage full of baby clothes and toys anyway by now. Then if you have three, having a fourth doesn't make you go "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" for too long. Then after that you just become resigned that you'll spend all your retirement years chasing after errant grandkids.
My grandma had 17, so somewhere in my genes is the Irish factory worker/barroom hero that can handle so many damn kids.
What about you?
3-4 would be the most I would ever have. My 2 kids now keep me busy enough!
Tribals wrote:![](http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1427/1003457743_0bdad73d98.jpg)
3-4 would be the most I would ever have. My 2 kids now keep me busy enough!
Child rearing has changed, that's for sure, even from when I was a kid. I can remember that it was a rare occasion to have my parents supervise me or play with me or try to "keep me busy" from the age of about 5 or 6 and up. Basically, as long as I came back when I was supposed to, didn't wander too far away from the house, and told them where I was going they were happy. Today's parents are latched onto their kids like crazy, it's like they're the counselors for a very small summer camp.
When I was 10, the outside was my playroom and that's where I was expected to spend most of my time. Yeah, I had a computer and video game console and TV (I was a lucky kid) but that was something I was supposed to play with only after curfew or during rainy days or during the odd summer day when I had run out of outdoor stuff to do. Seriously though, from about 7am to about 11am and 1pm to about 7pm, I was never ever at home. I was outside doing stuff. A lot of today's parents would be mortified to see their kids spend so little time inside.
I always said that if I had kids, I would have no TV. I haven't watched it since 1994 so it would be no big deal. I probably would have to wean my wife off it though. She knows all the lyrics to the spongebob squarepants theme song.
I believe in the "replacement" theory. If I ever have kids I hope for one of each and that is it.
What intrigues me about this question is the aversion to kids people have. It's a proven fact that as a society becomes wealthier (as ours is) it has less interest in procreation. Which, ultimately, is self-defeating because the goal of any group is to dominate; and the only way to do that is with numbers. History has shown time and time again that the larger group wins, always. That's why the blacks now rule South Africa and why the Palestinians will win against the Israelis. It's not about ideology. It's not about right or wrong. It's not about wealth or power. It's about numbers, always. If there are more of you than the other guy, you win.
The problem is that our society has become almost neurotically paralyzed with fear about "raising them right". A hundred years ago it was simple. You bought them two pairs of clothes, some toys, fed them 3 meals a day and gave them a bed. The end. If your kid turned out bad, people gave you sympathy not recrimination. Now, while I don't think this sort of "military" barracks kind of child rearing works, I also don't think the camp counsellor approach, where the parents spends 80% of their waking time with the kids, works either. In the end you teach by being, not by sitting the kid on your lap and lecturing.
The point I'm making is that society has made raising kids so damn complicated and expensive now that people are just saying "screw it" and giving up on the idea. However, the irony is that it's a million times easier to raise kids now than it ever was before. Like I said, my grandma had 17 kids, 5 of them died as babies, yet she forged on and never complained. All of them were fed and all of them slept in warm beds. That's all you need really.
I dunno, just thinking out loud I guess.
First I must ask you a few questions. How do you feel about preggo sex? Do pregnant women really have that glow about them? What about the weight gain as well as the other physically altering effects of childbirth? Lets say she only gained 10 pounds per kid. After 10 she would be 100 pounds heavier and that is if she only gained 10pounds. So you then have saggier tits, stretch marks galore, and hips that need to go sideways to fit through the doorway.
Just by sheer mathematical numbers the more kids you have the more likely you are to have one that is a complete @!#$ up in life and if you are not a great parent which would get tougher to be the more kids you have you yet again raised your chances.
I have always seen kids as the @!#$ing you get for the @!#$ing you got.
Seriously one to three kids would be OK.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edited Monday, February 02, 2009 8:21 AM
I'm fine with no kids. Eventually I may adopt an unwanted child, and one who is old enough to be out of diapers at that. I fell absolutely no need to spread my seed. I think there are enough humans in this world without my adding to the problem, and I think that they are all genetically similar enough to me anyways.
And I really don't think its such a good idea for societies to try to out-breed each other. There are issues with the food supply, infrastructure, raw materials, fuel, and misc costs that needs to grow exponentially forever, and obviously that is impossible.
Also, the most populous societies don't always win. Americans where once massively outnumbered by Native Americans, and that didn't end so well for them. Or in the case of Palestine(and the rest of the Middle East) vs Israel, well they all came at Israel, and got their asses kicked... because Israel's army is (thanks largely to the US) far superior despite the numbers. Iraq in 2003 had a bigger Army than did the US, and you see how much that helped them.
Superior numbers count for alot more when both sides are fighting with swords, spears, etc - then again some Spartans may not agree with even that.
As for what Knoxville said about how richer societies have fewer kids, well remember that richer societies tend to also be more educated. And I think the opening scene for Idiocracy says the rest.
I have a 10 month old boy that keeps me busy, very busy
the crazy lady is charging 2 million dollars just for a TV interview and wants to start her own reality TV show about the kids.
Reality shows are huge in America so she's not that crazy after all but something still doens't add up.
How did she end up with 8 kids?
no, i would not. i would have two max, with the possibility of even one not being something i am looking forward to.
bk3k wrote:
As for what Knoxville said about how richer societies have fewer kids, well remember that richer societies tend to also be more educated. And I think the opening scene for Idiocracy says the rest.
Knoxville? *smashes a ball peen hammer across his own head* HAHAHAHA! Wait... you're thinking of someone else. But you see, this is exactly what I mean. Smart people should make MORE kids to outnumber the dummies, not expect the dummies to stop f**king! If you want a society that ressembles your ideals and values it might be an idea to populate it with people who ressemble you, get what I mean? The retards will win if you keep this up. They will win.
As for Idiocracy... sounds like a lot of fagtalk to me.
bk3k wrote:Smart people should make MORE kids to outnumber the dummies, not expect the dummies to stop f**king! If you want a society that ressembles your ideals and values it might be an idea to populate it with people who ressemble you, get what I mean?
I agree but the problem is that in order to have smart kids and pass on your ideals and values it takes time and money.
Here’s the problem:
A lot of dumb people don’t know that!
Some people believe is the government’s job to educate their kids. They think that when they get on that big yellow school bus to go to school ***POOF!*** They magically will become smart, they will magically have good values, they will magically have good manners, they will magicallyl go to college, they will not do drugs, they will get a good job, ect…
so if they fail school, they blame the school system or they blame the CHILD!!!! WTF!!!
it takes a lot of time, it takes a lot of money and it takes a lot more time to raise ONE child.
spoiler wrote:bk3k wrote:Smart people should make MORE kids to outnumber the dummies, not expect the dummies to stop f**king! If you want a society that ressembles your ideals and values it might be an idea to populate it with people who ressemble you, get what I mean?
I agree but the problem is that in order to have smart kids and pass on your ideals and values it takes time and money.
Here’s the problem:
A lot of dumb people don’t know that!
Some people believe is the government’s job to educate their kids. They think that when they get on that big yellow school bus to go to school ***POOF!*** They magically will become smart, they will magically have good values, they will magically have good manners, they will magicallyl go to college, they will not do drugs, they will get a good job, ect…
so if they fail school, they blame the school system or they blame the CHILD!!!! WTF!!!
it takes a lot of time, it takes a lot of money and it takes a lot more time to raise ONE child.
I agree completly with you on this!
If I was self made and had no money issues my wife and I would stay at home and our job would be a "baby making factory"! We were just talking about that the other day. We currently have two and want another in a year or two. The problem is that it does cost alot to raise kids. But they are great and change your out look on life its self.
Wiezer Walley wrote:But they are great and change your out look on life its self.
I now know what other parents are going thru and is not an easy job. I also have a 7 year old step daughter and she's a full time job also. She calls me dad and everything and that means a lot.
One of the change of out look on my life is that before I find any time for myself I have to make sure their needs are satisfied because they come first and they're now our responsibility.
Wade Jarvis wrote:spoiler wrote:bk3k wrote:Smart people should make MORE kids to outnumber the dummies, not expect the dummies to stop f**king! If you want a society that ressembles your ideals and values it might be an idea to populate it with people who ressemble you, get what I mean?
I agree but the problem is that in order to have smart kids and pass on your ideals and values it takes time and money.
Here’s the problem:
A lot of dumb people don’t know that!
Some people believe is the government’s job to educate their kids. They think that when they get on that big yellow school bus to go to school ***POOF!*** They magically will become smart, they will magically have good values, they will magically have good manners, they will magicallyl go to college, they will not do drugs, they will get a good job, ect…
so if they fail school, they blame the school system or they blame the CHILD!!!! WTF!!!
it takes a lot of time, it takes a lot of money and it takes a lot more time to raise ONE child.
I agree completly with you on this!
The problem with parenthood is that every parent cannot face the fact that their children are their mirror. If a child is violent, loud and stupid. It means that the parent is too. Kids pick up our worst mannerisms and we hate seeing ourselves being emulated so perfectly, so we deny it and blame TV and schools. If your kid doesn't have manners, neither do you. If your kid is a bully, so are you. It's not rocket science. Kids watch us and try to learn from us on how to "be".
Knoxfire Esquire wrote:Wade Jarvis wrote:spoiler wrote:bk3k wrote:Smart people should make MORE kids to outnumber the dummies, not expect the dummies to stop f**king! If you want a society that ressembles your ideals and values it might be an idea to populate it with people who ressemble you, get what I mean?
I agree but the problem is that in order to have smart kids and pass on your ideals and values it takes time and money.
Here’s the problem:
A lot of dumb people don’t know that!
Some people believe is the government’s job to educate their kids. They think that when they get on that big yellow school bus to go to school ***POOF!*** They magically will become smart, they will magically have good values, they will magically have good manners, they will magicallyl go to college, they will not do drugs, they will get a good job, ect…
so if they fail school, they blame the school system or they blame the CHILD!!!! WTF!!!
it takes a lot of time, it takes a lot of money and it takes a lot more time to raise ONE child.
I agree completly with you on this!
The problem with parenthood is that every parent cannot face the fact that their children are their mirror. If a child is violent, loud and stupid. It means that the parent is too. Kids pick up our worst mannerisms and we hate seeing ourselves being emulated so perfectly, so we deny it and blame TV and schools. If your kid doesn't have manners, neither do you. If your kid is a bully, so are you. It's not rocket science. Kids watch us and try to learn from us on how to "be".
my kid hits, screams his lungs off and im not that way. hes' three though, maybe that will change.
we had 1 kid, our budget allows us 1 kid and still keep the lifestyle we enjoy, to many people have several kids an 100% of their time is either running their kids to this or that or whatever, basically they have turned in to shepards for a lifetime. thats not for me. nor do i feel the need to procreate just to populate the planet, that just seems like a stupid thing to do as well. if you want a dozen kids that great but you shouldnt have them till your capable mentally and monetarily to take care of them. to many people just pop out kids for the hell of it and dont take responsibility for rasing your kids. just letting kids raise themselves is probaby a good reason why the country is in the situation it is.
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I work with a kid whos 4th of 13. Hes 20 and the oldest is 24 and the youngest is one.
I dont see it positive to spread my ammoral sarcastic smart ass apathetic seed intentionally. I also think I'd be a bad parent.
I think people need to learn one important word. COONTRACEPTION. If you wanna have sex a lot and you cant afford a child or 15 children then you either need to stop doing it or do something to prevent the, because no child deserves to grow up where they arent taken care of.
sndsgood wrote:my kid hits, screams his lungs off and im not that way. hes' three though, maybe that will change.
stick to your guns ^^^
I can not agree that your Child will be exactly like you because all kids are different.
What works for one does not mean it will work for the rest of them.
What I do believe is that kids, when they're little, can pick up the same parents habits
(Good or Bad.)
So there's a flag right there.
And I just realized I spelled my key word wrong. Dumb me. CONTRACEPTION.
spoiler wrote:sndsgood wrote:my kid hits, screams his lungs off and im not that way. hes' three though, maybe that will change.
stick to your guns ^^^
I can not agree that your Child will be exactly like you because all kids are different.
What works for one does not mean it will work for the rest of them.
What I do believe is that kids, when they're little, can pick up the same parents habits
(Good or Bad.)
So there's a flag right there.
yeah but kids that age also pick up things from anyone their around, half the stuff thats been picked up has been fromdaycare being around older kids. not nessicarily all the parents fault.
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