Why is it America has hispanic people labeled spanish? What i mean is, someone says" hey, did you see that spanish guy over there...". wait, he's latin, hispanic, maybe even mexican or puerto rican. but you have no idea if he is from spain or not. we( hispanic people) don't call you "english". some say "well, you speak spanish and your people are from Spain. yeah, well so your people are from England and speak english but we got are stuff straight. it just annoys me when people can't say "hey, look at that mexican" just so they don't "offend someone", even though they KNOW that person is from mexico. that's just me but what does everyone else think, am I spanish or latin/hispanic???
5 seconds to find another street...
I don't think labels do well to describe spanish-speaking peoples. I mean, most Mexicans don't have an ounce of spanish in them. They were just invaded and forced to speak spanish. That's it. Most hispanics are not genetically related to Spain at all, they're Native American! Spanish people are white. We're brown.
I don't know. People can call me whatever they want. Big Daddy, King Almighty, Daniellyne's Father, whatever. Besides, my great-grandfather was a blue-eyed, blonde Spaniard, so *I* *AM* technically part Spanish.
well, hmm... As someone from outside the community I can tell you that it is very difficult to tell if someone is From Equador, or Nicaragua.. I guess if I had to label a brown, Spanish speaking person I would call them Latin-American or Latino.
I tend to ask people where they are from. If they don't like the question, that's OK. If they answer then I try to use the correct term. In Canada we don't have as many people from Latin America so it's fairly rare to be in the situation you describe, but what's wrong with just saying "hey, did you see that guy?" Why do they need a label in the first place?
I can think of one guy I know from Latin America, I call him "Mike" (that's his name). If I had to label him, he's an Equadorian (or from Equador, whatever the proper term would be).
If I can tell they are Pueblo, I might refer to that. Some are easier to tell than others.
Again I ask.. Why label at all? They are just people who happen to come from a different background, that certainly doesn't define who they are, just a small portion.
Well, on the same token...how hard it is for Europeans to distingush americans crom canadians? Why do you think that your typical american asshols try to pin the canadian flag to their stuff and still ask why "dese durn furriners can't speak a lick of english?". Most americans never experience that side of it.
I do take hahaha's approach though. If you assume someone is something, you might end up gravely insulting them--especuially if they have a lot of ethnic pride. As for me, personally, i could care less since i'm everybody's @!#$.
Goodbye Callisto & Skađi, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
It's the same reason why everyone from the East is called "Asian" and it pisses me off; it's just ignorance for people to not bother learning the different races. I can understand Japanese and Korean since they look similar but East Indian and Chinese look completely different yet they're both called Asian.
ToBoGgAn wrote:we are gonna take it in the ass and like it, cause thats what america does.
Slo2pt2 (Projekt Unknown?) wrote:One my SON is ADHD N.O.S and Autistic Spectrum Disorder. I will nto medicate him he will battle throught this himself and learn to control it.
Basically same thing I told you in this thread.
Spaniard: Born in Spain.
Spanish: Pertaining to Spain its people or their type of language (Spanish).
Hispanic: Spanish, or from Latin American, or American citizen/resident from Spaniard descent.
Latin: It is a language from Rome inwhich it is the basis of French, Italian, Portuguese, Rumanian and Spanish.
Latino/Latina: American citizen/resident that is a descendant of any Spanish speaking country in the world.
Also to say any of those^^^ is a race (like the Census or when polls are being conducted for eg.) it utter ridiculous, when in fact it should be referred as a culture or ethnicity. You will find white, pink, brown, black, yellow, races that are from Latin American countries and Europe in-which they will speak Spanish as their first language, but will be labeled: "Hispanic" as a race.
Hispanic/Latin/Spanish culture is to broad to even be defined.

but it beats being "other"
Goodbye Callisto & Skađi, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
Glace wrote:It's the same reason why everyone from the East is called "Asian" and it pisses me off; it's just ignorance for people to not bother learning the different races. I can understand Japanese and Korean since they look similar but East Indian and Chinese look completely different yet they're both called Asian.
...umm...becuase their genetics show that their ancestors came from asia...
I usually call them Hispanic or Latino...

Okay.. how about this: instead of asking country of origin of each person you happen to encounter and getting that straight in your head, how about not getting your panties in a bunch when someone calls you something other than what you are specifically.
Can you tell the difference between an Albertan, a Utahnian (Ute? What do you call them any how?) a Washingtonian, a Brixtonite, South Afrikaan and a Bavarian? How about a Korean, a Japanese, Vietnamese, Malaysian, Laotian, Cambodian, Mongol, Chinese, and a Taiwanese? How about a Nigeran, a Nigerian (No, I didn't repeat myself) a Haitian, Dominican, Jamaican, Somali, Ghanan, Kenyan, Ethiopian, and a Congolese? Okay, an easy one: Spot me the Iranian, Iraqi, Saudi, Bedhouin, Yemeni, Egytpian, and Libyan, Moroccan, Syrian, Jordanian, Persian, Arabian, Afghani and Sephardic Jew.
Seriously, get the sand out of your vag... People make assumptions on your appearance all the time, and part of it is your racial make up. Does it suck? YES. Is it something you can help? NO.
The problem isn't yours, so don't worry about it so much, get on with your life, and drop the 'tude.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Smus ran out of posts wrote:...umm...becuase their genetics show that their ancestors came from asia...
What does this mean? Should I call people from the US, Europeans? Should I call Brazilians, Americans?
ToBoGgAn wrote:we are gonna take it in the ass and like it, cause thats what america does.
Slo2pt2 (Projekt Unknown?) wrote:One my SON is ADHD N.O.S and Autistic Spectrum Disorder. I will nto medicate him he will battle throught this himself and learn to control it.
Actually, brazillians should be portugese.
But GAM, you know as well as I do human nature is a hard thing to even consider changing, and lets face it--there are certain groups of people that other groups really hate. eliminate the hate and this is moot.
Goodbye Callisto & Skađi, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
What does this mean? Should I call people from the US, Europeans?
um are we in europe? no so why the @!#$ would you call us europeans? people from korea are from asia, hence they are called "asians."
Check out my build thread!
[quote=Keeper of the Light™]Actually, brazillians should be portugese.
But GAM, you know as well as I do human nature is a hard thing to even consider changing, and lets face it--there are certain groups of people that other groups really hate. eliminate the hate and this is moot.How about just eliminate the ass
holes? That'd drop a good.. what... 70% of the population?
Problem solved.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
Hmm, there's a lot of German in Brazil as well, how will you deal with that ?!?!?!?
You can tell a Korean from a Thai or Vienamese or Cabodian quite easily. Japanese are easy too. The difficulty comes in tell in a Vienamese from an Indonesian, or someone from Mayalsia could be a malay (not likely) or Chinese (pretty likely).
Does it matter? No. Mind your own for once will ya?
Hahahaha wrote:You can tell a Korean from a Thai or Vienamese or Cabodian quite easily. Japanese are easy too.
Sure about that? Most Asians that took the quiz on another forum failed:
Who cares?
I don't demand people call me french or irish or german.
People call me white.
I deal with it because that's what I am.
And I always say "hey, look at that mexican". I don't think I have offended anybody.
Well, yeah, ok....so you can tell some of a difference based on skin color, but otherwise, you can say their asian, or their heritage is, kind of like my heritage is western european...its a generalization, and when you get into the specifics, then you can start getting a little more angry, but if you're just trying to get a basis as to where the person is from, well its hard to say one way or the other without generalizing.

Glace wrote:Smus ran out of posts wrote:...umm...becuase their genetics show that their ancestors came from asia...
What does this mean? Should I call people from the US, Europeans? Should I call Brazilians, Americans?
If you want to be technical, yes.
Look at where Brazil is at: South
And technically you can say a person born in Argentina, Honduras, Canada is an American as those countries lie in the continents of the Americas.
Much the same a person from Congo is African and a person from Greece is European.
And if you ponder more of it, the US does not really have a name, so to speak. Its title is what it is.... United States of America.
Yhea, I know if you go to another country and you say: "I'm an American," it will automatically be assumed you're from the US, but that is only because it is a given.

Why am I called a white guy and not a Europien American? More to the point a Welsh, Scotch Irish, German American? Or how about all black people? Not all of them are from Africa. Some are from the middle eastern regions but they are all called African Americans.
Its not ment as an insult its the only way to identify Hispanics without getting rediculous. After we know your from Cuba of Mexico or where ever then thats what your refered to as but till we know what are we supossed to do?
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Usually people just call me "handsome fella"
Usually people call me, "That warped bastard", but that comes with the territory...
And again, consider this: How could you tell an american from a canadian at first glance--assuming that the american wasn't carrying a gun...
Goodbye Callisto & Skađi, Hello Ishara:
2022 Kia Stinger GT2 AWD
The only thing every single person from every single walk of life on earth can truly say
they have in common is that their country is run by a bunch of fargin iceholes.
The Cannuck will have a beer, a hockey stick, or a bush jacket.. Maybe all 3.
And a Jos Louis if they're from Quebec.
Transeat In Exemplum: Let this stand as the example.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:And a Jos Louis if they're from Quebec.
Ha.. A "Fin du Monde", Jos Louise, and DuMaurier if they are from Quebec
Likely you won't see them though because they are "aving d'are anneversare wit d'are wife at Club Supersex"
If not "La Fin Du Monde" then Pepsi... sick puppies
people will get offended no matter what. Look at black people. We called them niggers, they didn't like it, so we called them negros, they didn't like that so we called them colors, they didn't like that either so we called them blacks. That was OK for a while, but then they didn't like that, so we called them african american (at most of thier own requests), but then they didn't like that so we called them blacks again. people are not happy no matter what