FYI this is the main post about the meet. There is one that was started in the
North East Region Forum. Please keep all conversation in there this will be for us to get a head count basically and have a location with all the information easily accessible.
Primary Meeting
Date: January 21, 2006
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Freehold Raceway Mall, NJ
3710 Us Highway 9
Freehold, NJ 07728
(732) 577-1144
Directions: Brought To You By Yahoo!
Details: We will be meeting up at the same location where we usually meet at this mall. On the side with the movie theatre. Follow to the end of that area you will see a corner lot where most of the time there are no cars, we will be meeting there just before heading into the mall. We will be heading into the mall at 8:00PM so if you plan on meeting up with us with out searching to hard you might want to plan on being there before 8:00. I do not know what time we will be returning back to this lot.
Pre-Meet Location
Date: January 21, 2006
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Cheesequake Rest Area
Directions: Take Garden State Parkway to Mile Marker 123. As always we park by the gas station on the south side of the lot. We will be leaving here by 6:30 PM so don't be late or you are finding your own way to the Mall

Hope to see everyone there. Who is coming?
1. Bryan - '05 Cavalier
1. Bryan - '05 Cavalier

Defined Parts
yea ill be there bryan.. wit my junker lol 04 cavalier not to mention im very upset about the meet that i tried to get together with everyone else and all of the other forums are holding , i wanted the j's to make an apperience but i guess my attempt doesnt count
if i knew how to do a signature pic i would!!!
First ill say HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY...and secondly ill say THE JBODYKNIGHTS AND I MIGHT SHOW UP IF WELCOME. whats up eco..
Hey bxcavader,
You guys are more than welcome to come. Hope to see you there.

Defined Parts
I took your number down. Well speak soon. And yes we will be there.