I have a victory red 2003 Cavalier and was wondering what yall would
think if I got Green Underglow Neon lights all the way under my car...
Is this a good idea or not? Let me hear what yall have to say...
-Why Green, Red of White would look alot better
My ex girlfriend told me I should get the green because she says they would look really hott.
who cares what your ex says...she's probably trying to make you look stupid...lol..jk.
Get LEDs, all the colors you need for every girls likes. Plus, you can make them dance. The LEDs that is.
That makes me think of Christmas.......
Why to Civic children think they can beat a motorcycle?!?!
Cal wrote:Get LEDs, all the colors you need for every girls likes. Plus, you can make them dance. The LEDs that is.
I agree
color changing LED's rock! Thats what I have.. ya gotta love having different options available at the push of a button.
But ya, green would be like Christmas
It wouldn't look bad though I don't think.
I don't know why but some people like mismatched colors...for example, I went into Circuit City one day and one of the sales guys in the Car Audio department was talking to me. I told him I was interested in their underbody lights and he said the price and after telling him what color car I have he said "You know what would be hot? Get blue underbody lights." I'm like
Maybe it's some fast and the furious mis-match fetish...
Anyways...get Red or White.
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
Heh.... I got red under mine. But the Streetglow Gold series. Don't mismatch man, looks tacky I think. (yes I have a silver car, so? It's neutral)
none. i think underglows look tacky. keep your ride clean. its startin' to look so much better, dont ruin it w/ an underbody kit
red or white. possible even Blacklight would look neat also
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Blacklight would be t3h sh!t!
89Sunbird wrote:Blacklight would be t3h sh!t!
Are those legal to use on the street?
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
blacklight would be nice... or u could just go with a nice red to match ur car... or white would look good with red i think...
Now Blazing: Black Domina
blacklights show up purple so that would be just as bad as the christmas theme. i have red on my victory red Z24 and i think it looks sweet...check my cardomain if u wanna see pictures of it. white would look cool but not as good as red....
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i'd say either go with the leds or red/white underglow....definately not green. saw a civic like that the other night it was REAL tacky!
NJHK (Sexual Chocolate) wrote:89Sunbird wrote:Blacklight would be t3h sh!t!
Are those legal to use on the street?
none of it is, you can get tickets for underglow....
Makes me want to break our the hot cocoa and decorations
. nah go with whatever color u like or just buy a single lightbar and put it under to see what it looks like and if ya dont like it return it defective
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