Here's my problem:
i was thinking about doing a body kit but i worry a bit about ground clearance since i live in PA. anyways is there really any way to tell how much a kit will add to the bottom of a car? or are all kits the same?
because i wanted to do some serious mix and match.
Well, most kits that you buy are gonna lower your ground clearance. If you do get a kit i would suggest getting a polyurethane one because polyurethane is MUCH more flexible and the fiberglass is just gonna get craked. Also, i would put your kit on and ride around with it before you paint it to see where you can and cant go. Good luck!
well if you get a kit, you have to lower the car or else it looks silly imo. all kits are different. some are lower than others. if you mix and match you have to make sure they will line up and flow together good.
closest to stock height are probably the import fighter, or the wings west bigmouth... always a lip kit too.. those add a couple inches to the stock bumper
7 months without a date and counting
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i'm from PA too, and i'm riding around with Urethane front and sides, and a fiberglass rear. Definately go with urethane man, it is sooo worth it. Much more resistant to stuff. Also if you dont plan on lowering (which i also suggest doing) stay away from the Drift kit, unless you can find someone with the urethane one since they are not being produced. That's the lowest kit i've seen to the ground before lowering.
I was wondering do the 95-99 bodykits fit an 00-02 cavy?
buy a kit and bag the car i'm living in blairsville with the blitz which is the lowest i've found and have not scraped it at all except when i wanted to
95-99 kits do fit... but you gotta get the 95-99 head lights...and you might have to do very little far as the ground clearance and mix and match...low profile kits like wings west wont lower it too much and make sure the peices line up...but i have an xplosion kit for sale...95-99
Rob Silvera wrote:95-99 kits do fit... but you gotta get the 95-99 head lights...
wrong. 95-99 kits will fit, but you have to modify the bumper to make room for the 00-02 headlights. you pretty much have to trim about an inch off of the bumper where the headlight will go and you'll be fine (or have a body shop do it).
you could do that...but you can also get the im not WRONG
and he asked if the 95-99 would fit on the 00-02 the 00-02 have the lip....95-99 is straight so actually without converting you would have to add a peice to the bumber to wrap around the light...not again you could still get the conversion...
first of since you live in pa i would get a polyurethane kit i wouldn't get fiberglass i have seen so many people try to pull in to some where and get out of there car and start to scream lol. i live in pa too i was going to get the Buddy Club 2 kit but i changed my mind and i'll be getting a z24 kit and lower it.
unfortunately they don't make my front in urethane :*( ...i've only hit in one spot and i live in pa